Taurus Horoscope for October 2020

Taurus Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild month for you, Taurus, when stability seems hard to find. Your schedule of events is sidetracked with the unexpected, as fresh ideas abound, leading to exciting possibilities and partnership explorations. You are simultaneously suspicious of anything that strays too far from traditional ways. If you can tune in, you are filled with a solid feeling of what you need to do, a deep intuition, which, when you follow it, might be your truest indication of what is really going on. These are totally tricky times, and it is difficult to know what is real versus what is fake. In some ways, getting to that distinction might be your most important task right now; to search inside, to override your fears, to use discernment regarding what is real for you. Mid-month you are rethinking your relationship dynamic, and your creativity, into mid-November. All this year has been preparation, including these final months, for a huge coming-out party after the New Year for members of your sign.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Full Moon in Aries on October 1st is an invitation to burn away all of your frustrations. The time has come for a clean slate. Let go of the fights, the misunderstanding, the anger, the resentments, the remorse, and all the things that may have made you feel inadequate, and misunderstood. I know this is not a small task but you are ready for a fresh start. Your worldview has been in extreme developmental transition, for months now, so that one focus of yours is also there. If you haven’t been able to completely resolve some injustice you might have felt, or have not been able to express your frustrations to others, you may feel like you want to assert yourself more openly now. You will want to be able to get to the point. You may want to go over what happened and explain something, go into the details. Mars moving retrograde in the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious has forced you to connect to your warrior energy more consciously and acknowledge that you might be angrier than you thought. You have the desire to assert yourself more openly but when comes the time your original impulse is slowed down, and you lose your momentum. The Full Moon in Aries is your cue to take full ownership of any feelings of frustrations that might have been under-expressed. The Moon is also conjunct Chiron, often associated with healing in Astrology. You may be able to get to the bottom of your sense of vulnerability related to self-assertion. You have likely done incredible work on yourself recently and you can begin to acknowledge your efforts.

Venus, your ruler, enters Virgo on the 2nd. Your ruling planet will be busy there, emphasizing the part of your chart that deals with creativity, romance, and children. The recent New Moon that occurred in Virgo in mid-September started a new cycle of growth in these matters. You may have a renewed incentive to apply yourself diligently when it comes to your art, your craft, and your passions. Venus in Virgo this month carries a fresh energy to what brings you joy for you, and it’s an excellent time to get better at doing what you love.

Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus on the 7th bringing interesting surprises to your collaborations. You might have to contend with a new dynamic. A partner may ask for more commitment on your part and this could be something you are not ready to give. Uranus in Taurus might give you the desire to keep your options open, and there is nothing wrong with that. Trust your intuition when it comes to what you need, and stay honest about where you stand. Others will have to accept that even though you are a gentle loving creature, you have a powerful need to follow your gut feeling.

Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus during the second weekend of October. This is a fun aspect that could feel connective and insightful. There is excitement in the air and you may be buzzing with ideas. Make sure to write down your stream of thoughts at this time. There might be some insightful tidbits filtering through especially if you step out of your comfort zone.

Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio on the 13th where it will be moving retrograde for the rest of the month, and beyond. When you take the retrograde shadow period into account, this goes on to mid-November. This retrograde occurs in your house of partnerships and may force you to revise your alliances. The people you associate with may be highlighted during this period, while Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio, and it could be time to reassess exactly whom you let into your life. There may be relationships that you have outgrown or on the other hand, a collaboration you are ready to deepen.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th brings a powerful incentive to start reorganizing your schedule. This could be a very creative period for you, and one way to ensure productivity would be to recommit to streamlining your days. The New Moon in Libra also squares Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, which means that discipline will be needed at this time. Your habits, and the way you take care of your body could directly influence your level of productivity so it's a good time to establish or reinforce healthier choices whether this means cutting out sugar from your diet or doing more physical exercise. These commitments could have a long-term impact on your overall well-being and are worth the efforts.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd emphasizing your partnerships for the next thirty days. With Mercury already retrograde in Scorpio you may have been busy redefining the terms of an arrangement.

The Full Moon at the end of the month is in Taurus, shining a bright light on your personal needs and pushing you to acknowledge them. The self-reflection efforts you have made on yourself are not in vain. This Full Moon also precisely conjuncts volatile Uranus, so that there could be surprises in store, and certain kinds of greater intuitional perception. This is a powerful lunation for you, and could represent a culmination in regards to understanding what you need to feel good about yourself, and the needs of your body.

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