Taurus Horoscope for December 2021

Taurus Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather difficult month for you, Taurus, that is yet productive of major shifts in how you see the world around you. As you have been faced with for many weeks now, you will want to keep reining in the extremes of the wildest exuberance that you encounter within yourself, going a little slowly – but going forward nonetheless toward your evolving future self. From mid-month right through Christmas Day, the 25th, you will feel the transformational pressure, sometimes uncomfortably, as you review and potentially revise your beliefs and worldview. You are seeking a more effective amalgam between your bottom-line principles and your actual deeds, as you act on behalf of your own deeper prospects and the social matrix that surrounds you. You are looking for success not in the eyes of the world, although this tempts you, but in terms of internal satisfaction that will outlast all the rest. Through it all, important partners call you forth to inhabit the angels of your better nature. You win by embracing their message as you move forward. without giving up your own unique point of view

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius at almost the beginning of December takes place late on the 3rd to early morning of the 4th, depending on your location. This is the last one of a series that occurred on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in the past year and a half. This particular eclipse configuration includes the Sun and Moon in conjunction with Mercury, corresponding to your values, and also a strong sextile between your sign ruler, Venus, and the ruler of your relationship sector, Mars. This could help to clarify intimate partnerships and the compromise needed to make something work. You are looking for something needed to complete your understanding of who you are and where you are headed, and it must come from the inside. There also could be an offer of support coming from someone that is hard to refuse and this help could potentially get you ahead professionally. These eclipses of the longer series may have highlighted your resources and the need to define more clearly the contractual agreements that could be draining your energy.

The first full week of December could bring important negotiations with others but make sure that the agreements are clear. Mercury in Scorpio square Neptune in Pisces on the 7th and 8th could bring confusing dialogue or a lack of boundaries.

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn takes place from the 8th until the 28th, which is quite a long period of time. This aspect lasts such a long period due to the somewhat unusual retrograde of Venus just as it reaches nearly the same degree as Pluto. Because your chart ruler is with the energy of transformation during the last two thirds of December, this will be an extremely important month for you in terms of understanding who you are, and how you see the world around you. There will be changes for you all through the extended three month period while Venus is in retrograde, followed by while she is recovering to the place that she started. A process is underway that relates to your belief and how you see yourself in the world. Your philosophical outlook may undergo a powerful transformation in the following months; and it may require that you let go of cherished beliefs or perspectives that keep you stuck in an old framework. Leading off with the December month, you’ll have plenty of time to contemplate the implications of what this means and make space for new emerging wisdom.

The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 11th and 12th, and this may continue to bring confusion surrounding close partnerships or your place in a community. Allow yourself to sit with the unknown at this time. On December 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn which continues to highlight shifting beliefs and a need to get to the bottom of something.

The Full Moon culminates in Gemini on December 18th shining a light on your personal resources, your income and your autonomy. It’s a good opportunity to take stock of where you are financially and where you want to be. Mercury currently in Capricorn in your vision sector emphasizes an overarching trajectory and perhaps the willingness to get out of your own way to try something new. Chiron stationing direct in Aries while in a square with Mercury could make you aware of your own self-limiting beliefs and insecurities. The third weekend of December thus brings you to a significant turning point especially for things related to your sense of self-worth and your accomplishments. Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn a few hours after the Full Moon and will be moving retrograde until the end of January. Again, this can represent the beginning of a philosophical reorientation that will take you a few months to integrate and which promises to be very enriching.

Also, Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus on the 20th could bring a preview of a new concept or a revolutionary idea that could help to get you out of a rut.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, which signals the first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. With so many planets, including now the Sun, transiting in Capricorn you could be seeking novel horizons or experiences that can teach you something new. Getting out of the beaten path could help you maximize your enjoyment of this time period.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, from the 18th to the 26th, exact on the 23rd, highlights an ongoing tension between your personal ambitions and your need for change. What your mind wants may also be at odds with what your body needs. You will also have plenty of opportunities to rectify this situation during the coming year as you focus on your requirements thanks to the North Node transiting in your sign.

The last week of December highlights your place in the world and what you are trying to achieve. Your attention could turn to your goals and the logistics needed to succeed as well as the people who are there to support you.

As Jupiter enters Pisces on the 29th your community and your role within it could be on your mind. Dreams or an idea that began earlier this Summer could be acting as your guiding star. Faith may therefore be an important word to keep in mind as the 2021 year comes to a close. You may not quite be able to see the shape of things to come, although what you can know with certainty is that if you can feel something in your heart, you are one step closer to making it a reality.

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