Taurus Horoscope for March 2021

Taurus Horoscope for March 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This March month arrives with the scent of spring, Taurus, and astrologically represents new beginnings for you in terms of outer world commitment. This involves fresh dedication as well as greater comprehension applying to this key area of career and profession. There is intense recognition of your unlimited potential. This is so, provided that you pay close attention to your inner world, since certain changes must now be enacted; business tactics as usual from past weeks and months will no longer cut it. The likelihood is that much of your ongoing transformation, that you are still navigating, will be in the direction of greater understanding of what in the world you are actually up to in this lifetime. In this you are aided by a powerful sense of intuition, should you choose to stay open to it, nudging you to more fully explore bottom-line principles deep within you, before deciding which way to go. With the powerful mid-month New Moon comes a new statement of idealistic goals, requiring extreme attention from you in both outer and inner realms.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You may be in the process of far-reaching changes in connection with your career or a certain vocational trajectory could be opening new doors. The mid-February New Moon in Aquarius in mid-February brought a fresh incentive to reposition yourself in terms of your work, and Saturn currently transiting in Aquarius, while squaring Uranus in your sign, is making sure you follow through. Throughout the month of March, you will be feeling the push-pull of these two heavyweight outer planets bringing you opposing ideas of moving with extreme caution, holding steady to prior commitments, versus jumping the tracks of everything that has gone before. The urge to strike out in new directions, represented by Uranus, is somewhat alien to your normal flow, but yet is a powerful factor now, taking you to intuitive places deep inside for answers to questions that you might not even known that you were asking. Venus, your ruler, travelling in Pisces, corresponding to your eleventh sector of societal interaction and future goals, is encouraging you to take a more visionary approach to your life and your planning.

Mars leaves your sign on the evening of the 3rd and enters Gemini, carrying its emphasis over to your financial sector where the North Node of the Moon is currently transiting. There is a lot of energy that is now available for reforms, strategic planning, and budgeting. Your self-worth may also be highlighted in some ways, especially if you have been undervaluing your skills. You may be called to assess your financial situation and make sure your income meets your material needs, or adjust your involvement or fears there. Mars transits through Gemini until April 23rd, and supports your efforts towards finding greater financial autonomy.

From March 3rd to the 5th, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius for a third time since the beginning of the year. There may be good news coming your way in connection with your work, especially if you’ve been trying to convince someone of your perspective. You may feel that the pace of things increases and that burgeoning ideas related to your career are starting to make sense after a process of revision. You could also finally get the green light on a project that was on hold or be given a new opportunity. Even if nothing exceptional occurs, you may find that you have a renewed sense of what is possible.

The Sun meets Neptune in Pisces on the 10th emphasizing your work or contribution within a group or a community. There could be confusion in regard to your role or you may be unsure of the logistical aspects of a project. Charity work could be highlighted in some ways but it may be important to keep a sense of perspective regarding your contribution. There could be a tendency to give more than you receive or someone could take advantage of your kindness, leaving you feeling depleted. You might therefore need to take care of yourself in this regard. There is however a generous quality permeating you at this time and it's an opportunity to reconnect with your altruistic qualities.

The New Moon in Pisces on the 13th, your social sector, may bring a renewed sense of connection with your community. Venus and Neptune join the New Moon which may help you share ideals more easily with others. This powerful conjunction of Venus and Neptune in the New Moon chart also relates to the way you see things unfolding for you, charting prospective courses of action and idealistic goals that you might have. You are being encouraged to take a broad view of your possibilities now, and potentially to include a spiritual component in your planning as you see fit.

On the 15th, Mercury enters Pisces continuing to bring opportunities for dialogues and exchanges. Networking could be highlighted in some ways for you and it may feel easier than before to work toward shared creative goals with like-minded people.

The Sun enters Aries on the 20th, signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and your ruler, Venus, joins the next day, on on the 21st bringing your focus to interior dimensions, or the soul sector of your chart. This could be the beginning of another introspective period, similar to the recent Mercury Retrograde experience of the previous month. You benefit from making time for solitude, or meditation, and also by renewing your overall sense of purpose. In contrast, you could also be feeling quite ambitious, with Mars in Gemini also trine Saturn in Aquarius on the 21st, thus highlighting your income and your career. This aspect can help you assess what resources are available to pursue your objective. You are in a good place to dedicate yourself to the tasks at hand, since you should now have the patience and discipline to do so.

The Full Moon takes place on the 28th, in the sign of Libra, and highlights recent efforts you might have made to structure your daily routine in order to bring more ease and health into your life. Venus, Chiron, and the Sun are perfectly conjunct in Aries, opposing the Full Moon, which could also emphasize anxieties you may have around your health or your body. You might be aware of unconscious fears that act within you to undermine your well-being. While it may be hard to pinpoint exactly where the source of your anxiety arises from, you might be able to acknowledge the connection between your physical and mental state. Your goal is to find a greater balance between the two.

The Sun conjunct Chiron for these few days near the very end of the month could help you shed even greater light on unconscious patterns that hold you back from a full sense of agency in the world. You may come to realize that your power to act is greater than you think, and that you do not have to wait for the perfect circumstances to take action. This might be a good time to reconnect with your more passionate side, and to accept that you do not have to compromise regarding you want yourself to be.

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