Taurus Horoscope for September 2021

Taurus Horoscope for September 2021

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another significant month for you, Taurus, with outer planets conspiring with your key planetary rulers, Venus and Mars, to give you an interesting and consequential month of surprises and of surprising revelations also. As you are likely aware, since the beginning of the year you have been dealing with a significant dichotomy, perhaps now coming to a head, of whether to really go for it, launching out into new pathways, kicking over the traces, transcending previous limitations. This is in place of on the other hand playing your hand cautiously and simply staying the course – thereby resisting the impulse to jump the tracks of your current situation. The answer for you is somewhat “blowing in the wind” right now, and you might have to let intuition be your guide. There is also the significant factor of helpful intentions provided by important partners in your life, and these are somewhat magnetized toward swinging for the fences rather than staying low key. If you are inclined to go ahead and take the plunge, it could actually turn out that you have nothing to lose but your chains.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As September begins, following the recent Full Moon in late Aquarius, you could feel a certain amount of equilibrium between your domestic life and your work. After several months of trying to balance personal desires with your responsibilities, you may find that it’s getting easier to organize your days around what you are trying to accomplish while letting go of time-wasting habits or tedious tasks. The previous New Moon in Leo from early August could have prompted you to find exciting ideas that reset your thinking and, in contrast, what grounds you have in order to stabilize yourself. These impulses for novel ways of looking at the world continue into September, which also continues to bring a creative influence for your personal projects that may need to be met with a certain amount of discipline and organization.

Mars is traveling through the sign of Virgo until mid-September which may boost your ability to prioritize and allow you to go after what you want with greater gusto. While in general you may have a sharper eye for details, helping you delineate a well-rounded strategy for things pertaining to art or self-expression, a short but intense opposition between Mars and Neptune from the 1st to the 3rd could threaten to derail your self-discipline efforts with a somewhat confusing transit. Thankfully, Mercury in Virgo coming into a supportive trine with Saturn in Aquarius from the 3rd to the 5th can help dissipate any self-indulgent tendencies you may have regarding your work and your ability to stay on track.

The September 6th Virgo New Moon, taking place relatively early in the month, brings a supportive energy for creativity pertaining to your craft, your children and more extensively, for things that bring you a sense of joy. The New Moon is also trine to Uranus in your sign which could bring further flirtations with an experimental edge. You feel inspired, playful, and able to organically integrate new ideas into your work. During this second week of September, you may come to realize that separate elements in your life are coming together, especially if you’ve been actively trying to organize your time more efficiently. It may feel easier to have fun while working and you can take advantage of this time to set new intentions in motion.

Venus enters your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 10th, bringing her magnetism and intensity to the partnership sector of your chart, lasting until early October. You may be more inclined to compromise, although don’t be surprised if some people in your life are more demanding than usual in the following weeks. Mid-month, the Sun opposing Neptune in Pisces could spark idealism with regard to friendships and future plans, or perhaps once again bring the desire for self-indulgence to the surface. This is not a great influence for things that require sustained effort, although it could be a great opportunity for promoting fantasy as a break from too much realistic effort. You may benefit from going see a movie, an art exhibit, or simply drifting into reveries.

Mars enters Libra on the 14th, where it will spend the next 45 days, emphasizing your health and your habits. You may become preoccupied with your everyday life and health regimens in the following weeks, needing to integrate more movement or physical activities into your routine.

The third week of September brings a certain level of pressure and a need for sustained efforts. Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius from the 15th to the 17th, and this could signify a sobering influence for your work or in a partnership. The mood may be serious but it may also feel easier to commit to something long-term as you may be able to appraise things more realistically.

The Pisces Full Moon on the 20th could bring the culmination of a process related to a dream you’ve had for a long time. Aspirations or a career path could be on your mind in the days surrounding the Full Moon and something could become clarified. You may be able to apply both vision and strategy to your current situation, allowing for a sense of perspective to permeate this timeframe. It might be a good time to address any anxieties that could be creeping in, under the surface, threatening to derail your momentum.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, signaling Libra season, the beginning of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere. This is an opportunity to continue implementing healthy habits and physical movement, and also pay attention to how you can be of service to others. This could also be a particularly busy time of the year, forcing you to juggle many separate responsibilities. Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus from the 22nd to the 23rd could throw a curveball for some of your carefully laid plans, especially if you’ve not been giving yourself ample room to do what you want.

Mercury stations retrograde in late Libra on September 26th, where it will spend three weeks retracing its steps and then another two regaining its lost Zodiacal ground. The intentions that were seeded around the New Moon in Virgo may need refining over this upcoming Mercury Retrograde period. You may need to try something a few times before you get a handle on it. There could be issues related to efficacy or logistics that need to be addressed in order to meet your own or someone else’s expectations. This next month of October is an opportunity once again to implement better habits for your work and also around your health that can ultimately help you find a greater flow in your everyday life.

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