Taurus Horoscope for March 2022

Taurus Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of surprising developments, Taurus, perhaps even more than you had bargained for. You normally like to move quite slowly but everything is now somehow faster and more exciting. Of course you also have to use a modicum of caution to decide how far you might be able to go, and therein lies the rub, as they say; discernment is ever more necessary. Your eyes are on the future these days, and your hopes that it might be able to contain more promise than has recently seemed available. Your worldview is also fundamentally altering in this early spring timing, and this provides fuel for the fire. Your friendships and your societal contributions in general are sizzling right now, with implications for your own self-expression. The cycle reinforces and builds upon itself – your creativity feeds the world and the world in turn feeds you. Just don’t let any grass grow beneath your implicitly dancing feet, as this is not the time to wait but to seize upon your most profound principles and see them shine, portraying their newfound embodiment in action.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces at the beginning of March, on the 2nd, signals a fresh cycle concerning your dreams and aspirations. The New Moon sits under the auspices of Jupiter emphasizing the mystical elements associated with the sign of Pisces. Uranus in your sign is sextile to this New Moon adding a forward-thinking influence to the beginning of the month. You may be willing to break your own rules at this time as new perspectives start to emerge. Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius in the New Moon configuration and this could also make you aware of certain limitations that must be circumvented. Things are changing rapidly in the world and you may be wondering where you belong. This New Moon could require that you trust an invisible process currently unfolding and that you open yourself up to options you hadn’t considered. Your feelings of belonging could also be in a state of flux and the cleansing waters of Pisces bring a renewal to you of sorts. The triple conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn might further make you aware of the philosophical implications of your passions and you could feel less compromising in regards to your beliefs. You may also benefit from adopting a broader mindset to understand where you fit in which, in turn, could allow you to forge new connections with other people.

Mars and Venus enter the sign of Aquarius together late on the evening of the 5th where they continue to travel closely conjunct each other for most of the month, and within a degree through the 12th. This may represent a more outgoing period for you when your energy is best channeled towards a career or a dream. You may feel challenged out of your comfort zone but allowing a movement away from that safety could bring you important results or significant progress, especially in the month’s first half.

The second week of March sees Mercury entering Pisces where it will move rapidly across this sign until the 27th when it enters Aries. Your social life could be busier than ever now, and it is possible that others will be seeking your advice. The Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and the 14th represents a very creative and devotional influence that can best be applied towards artistic, spiritual, or healing modalities. You might experience a greater sense of unity that will help to you reach a new level of understanding, perhaps regarding your role in a community. Your participation at a social level could bring important and connective experiences that help you make sense of the world.

Around the 18th in the timing of the Virgo Full Moon, your projects, children, passions, and what you love may come to the forefront. What you are in the process of creating could receive important feedback which in turn might help you make sense of where you fit in and how the world receives you. Your self-expression could be highlighted in some ways. This confirmation could generate faith that you are on the right path. It may be easier to focus on what you truly want and to shine your light, just as if the universe was conspiring to provide you with more opportunities. Mercury if Pisces rules the sign of Virgo and therefore presides over this Full Moon from these deep waters; Mercury also receives a sextile from Uranus in Taurus. There may be more fluidity available between your ideas, your dreams, and your creative self and it is also a good time to trust your intuition.

Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in your sign on the 18th and 19th which could prompt you to integrate foreign elements or perhaps challenge you once more to think outside of the box. The revolutionary influence of Uranus currently transiting in Taurus could bring to you an underlying restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and perhaps the beginning of a more introspective time for you. The week of the 21st might continue to bring up social and professional themes although you may find yourself having less patience for niceties.

On the 22nd, Mars in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus could bring a tense or uncompromising undercurrent. There may be contrasting elements or challenging circumstances that could either lead to breakdowns or breakthroughs depending on how you handle this energy.

Mercury continues its journey through Pisces and conjuncts Jupiter and then Neptune on the 23rd which might have the effect of increasing your dialogue with others. You may be more willing to openly talk about your philosophical frameworks, dreams, and aspirations. Mercury enters Aries on the 27th – potentially shifting your attention to your unconscious process – perhaps especially in regard to your motivations and resilience. You could also experience an increased need for solitude to process your thoughts or make sense of recent frustrations.

Your professional life or career obligations continue to be highlighted at the end of the month. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 28th could indicate an important turning point or renewed commitment for a vocational trajectory. You might need to adopt a more resilient or dedicated approach that could allow you move ahead with your goals. You may feel alone in a particular battle but remember that many people are here to support you.

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