Leo Horoscope for September 2014

Posted on August 31, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of mixed blessings, Leo. You are on the one hand slowed down to the point of madness, having to take everything one step at a time, which does have the virtue of lessons thoroughly and truly learned. On the other side of your current astrology, you are socially excited and energized, as well as supremely optimistic, so that you might only need to avoid becoming so swept up in the riches of castle-in-the-sky visions that your feet no longer touch the earth. Being pulled in such different directions all at once can present difficulties, and you might despair for finding your way to a more solid footing, which is what you really want, deep down. You must learn to let your fantasies blossom and grow and weave their magic, while yet still returning to planet earth at regular intervals to make sure that it, and you, are still there.

As the month begins, you are riding the energy from the powerful New Moon of a week ago, from the start of the last full week of August. This signaled the beginning time of this lunar cycle, when the Sun and New Moon were occupying the second sector of your solar chart, of values and resources, so that finances, aesthetics, or anything involving your material reality, could be getting a nice sweep of fresh charge. Because Mercury is also there, making an inconjunct to Uranus in your ninth sector of higher mind, your attention and thoughts are turning toward the future. Your intuition is currently amplified in a helpful manner, as you feel into the ingenuity you possess regarding the your possibilities, goals and visions. There could definitely be a tendency for impulsiveness in this dynamic, fuelled by your intense desire for forward movement. Then again, your momentum might be halted rather abruptly as you run into the proverbial "brick wall" because you will also encounter Mars in an exact conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio. You could be spending lots of time in just spinning your wheels unless and until you get the hang of navigating this rather strange and complex combination of go and stop.

This joining of the forward driving motion of Mars together with the calculated, structured energy of Saturn can result in tension that could feel quite challenging and frustrating over the course of the month. You might experience the urge to drive headlong with reckless abandon toward your ambitions and goals, while being held back by issues that simultaneously come up around security, stability and structure, particularly in regards to home or family. This need for security or control may indeed slow your progress, however it may be helpful to realize the perceived impediment could actually come to be regarded as useful. As obstacles often are, this would present you with an opportunity to slow down, and to open to the deeper lesson at hand.

Some of these issues could lie within any pain, fear, or trauma that you feel around sharing resources, or intimate connection, with another, and could show up in a myriad of ways; as an example, perhaps your parents divorced when you were young and money was an issue, imprinting you with a sense of danger and mistrust. Perhaps it's the pain you feel as a result of someone you love not upholding the same values or cherished personal beliefs that you do. In any case, your sensitivity to this arena is greatly heightened. Along with confronting some pain, you may be entertaining lofty ideals that reality has no chance of matching up with; if so, this could lead to its own kind of disappointment.

In contrast to these deeper aspects that could feel a little heavy, you also hold the key to a more buoyant and energized experience, as symbolized by the way that Venus is placed for you this month. You could encounter raw and exciting magnetism in your social interactions. Sensuous, full of desire, and simply on fire, your expressions of love and affection are sure to lead to ample joy and celebration. Once again, there might be a few stumbling blocks to watch out for, but in between the down moments, your capacity for sharing fun, plus embodied connective experiences is at an all-time high.