Mars Square Neptune: Fire + Water = Steam

Posted on September 21, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Tomorrow, on Sunday evening, we have a fascinating aspect in the skies, when Mars in Sagittarius becomes exactly square Neptune in Pisces. It is interesting to note because Neptune resides in the sign in which he has rulership, his influence is magnified. Mars is the planet of action and passion, while Neptune is the planet of faith and inspiration; combined in a hard aspect, there are a number of ways this energy could manifest. There is the potential for deceptive situations to emerge. You could on the one hand feel inspired by an idealized vision of possibility that does not easily find its counterpart in hard-and-fast reality. On the other hand, you could experience a heightened vitality in regards to your chErished beliefs and for getting in touch with what draws you forward and truly excites you in this life. There is a chance as well that confusion or even confrontation could occur under the influence of this aspect. And yet, in the end this aspect could yield an extra juicy adventure in intimate realms. After all, Mars is quintessential fire and Neptune the king of watery depths; mix them together and you?re likely to get a steamy situation! This could be a prime opportunity to get in touch with the passionate animal side of your nature, or to use fantasy realms to your joyful advantage in pursuit of pleasure.