Leo Horoscope for October 2014

Posted on October 1, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This month you come to yet another stage in your ongoing metamorphosis, Leo. There have been many changes since the year began, continuing into the present cycle, regarding your ideas of who you are and what you have to contribute, and surprising developments in your worldview have been one major inspiration. You are decidedly introspective now as well, in chime with the retrograde of Mercury through your home and family sector. This is indeed a terrific time to be journaling, as you reevaluate your goals, and your day-to-day existence that is profoundly changing. You could be sensing a fresh start in your perspective, manifesting as an educational focus that could include actual physical travel as well as academics or armchair explorations, and that constitutes further seismic shifts in your beliefs and in your way of seeing how the universe around you functions.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave from the potent New Moon of one week ago, the last full week of September. This took place in your third solar sector of communications, and find yourself now voicing your current interests to others around you — involving both written and spoken utterances — with even more verve than usual. This is consistent as well with the symbolism of the highlighted presence of Jupiter in your first or identity sector. Jupiter is in aspect with the surprising enlightenment represented by Uranus, residing in your sector of higher mind. This sporadic and trickster-like energy has been a powerful factor for you these past several years, opening up new perspectives on life and love while combining with the transformational energies of Pluto. There have been varying degrees of conscious participation on your part depending on what you were ready for, and this month you enter a new phase of this dynamic, affecting your idea of what you need to do to make sense of yourself, in both outer world and private activities.

Epiphanies abound for you in this current cycle. Because Mercury is moving slowly in this first week of October, getting ready to retrograde, you are thinking twice about your communication with others around you, especially as a reflection of emotional realities to which you may only be now tuning in. As you reflect on your own situation, you are brought further into connection with the minds of others. You are unusually sensitive to the perspective of others all through this month, and partaking of their viewpoint as you revise your own. Because Mercury is turning to retrograde motion during this first week, in your sector of home and family, you will be likely also be spending a great deal of time exploring your roots.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is located in another of these deeper areas of your solar chart, namely your sector of intimacy and personal evolution; Chiron is very much emphasized in this current monthly cycle, being aspected by Uranus and also by Jupiter at the timing of the recent New Moon. You are thus in the ideal space and time to explore the depths of your wounding. This sounds scary but becomes less so as you get into it. We all have wounded places inside us, the result of early trauma that we did not know how to handle at the time, and so buried away in our unconscious. Facing these dark places and making them more conscious is the task of a lifetime. The reward is well worth the struggle to get there in terms of peace of mind and greater conscious integration of all your parts.

You are dealing with deeply personal material this month, emphasized by the retrograde of Mercury through this sensitive sector, and yet also coming on strong with your public persona. A sense of optimism and of mission in the world pervades your attitude toward your work on the public stage, with plenty of ideas flowing, and an open-minded perspective that is quite creative as you recognize new possibilities where you previously did not. As you open to the world around you, you could discover that the world opens to you as well.