Leo Horoscope for November 2014

Posted on November 1, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a rather strange month for you, Leo, in the aftermath of a powerful October cycle. This is in fact a time of exploration of new possibilities, both in terms of outer world commitment and also for a different set of priorities corresponding to hidden facets of your personality. You are finding joy and a great deal of enthusiasm in pushing your persona, as you move quite naturally further into self-confident personal interaction. It is also likely that issues could arise on the home front, or that situations could trigger you in unexpected ways. The good news is that once you adopt a subtler and more accepting mindset, all this can lead you to a much better understanding of dark places within you, paradoxically granting you broader scope in outer world affairs as well as inner.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift to the Scorpio energy of this time of the year, corresponding in your solar chart to the dark and hidden parts of your personality. In the current astrological currents swirling around and through you there are symbolic overtones of both inner and outer proclivities. On the one hand, with Jupiter highlighted in your identity sector, you have the joyful and enthusiastic feeling of having the world by the tail. In addition, the recent New Moon eclipse conjoined the ruler of your career sector, indicating a fresh start with all things in the realm of outer persona. On the other hand, this same eclipse took place at the very nadir of your solar chart where deep emotion lies. You are in an excellent position, therefore, to be digging into and readjusting your core issues.

Mercury just stationed to direct motion last weekend, from retrograde, and will be moving to finally escape its retrograde shadow on the following weekend, of the 8th of November. Your mental landscape may have been a tad blurry, or your communications stifled or perhaps gone awry here and there during the retrograde, but you can expect things to be coming to greater clarity as Mercury moves forward. The beginning of this month might be a good time to continue onward and readjust whatever got snagged and stuck in the midst of October. You might want to review, clarify and clean up any communications that were muddled. This period has also great value in terms of better understanding yourself at the deeper layers of your being.

This month may also be a good time for you to more deeply reflect on and consider your beliefs around your family of origin or your roots, and the profound emotions held over from your childhood experiences. There could now be a new frame in which you find yourself looking at these things. As you grow and evolve spiritually, so too does your perspective of past and present events shift and regenerate. You might discover a sense of longing or appreciation anchoring into your family or your home environment, and some new developments in your relationship to these aspects of your life could leave you in a better state of love around it all.

There could be rose colored lenses involved in all of this, and the good news is that you do not have to entirely give them up. Rather, the idealism implicit in your dealings with partners, and with yourself, might need to be tempered with a good dose of practicality as well. You benefit by forging a healthy amalgam of positivity and caution, coupled with an active balancing between inner and outer awareness, as you move forward into a more balanced future self.