Saturn square Neptune: A Bridge Between Worlds

Posted on February 13, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Today, as Saturn and Neptune come close to their exact square - within a little over two degrees - and as Thursday afternoon the Moon activates this configuration by making an exact conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius, we have an opportunity to form a bridge between the antithetical worlds that these important outer planets represent.
With Neptune traveling through his own sign of Pisces, there is a greater emphasis on all things mystical and imaginative, with the chance for spirituality to be embraced collectively, elevating compassion to a high level of unconditional love and understanding on a deep level. When misused however, this energy could show up as self-deception or escapist tendencies. With Saturn traveling through the early degrees of Sagittarius, there is a focus on clarifying your beliefs, morals and personal philosophy. As these archetypes collide and conflict, a test of faith could therefore be in store for you, as troubling questions arise concerning life and your place in the universe.

When these two planets are aligned in square formation, Neptune's world of the nebulous and of that which cannot be seen, but only felt or imagined, is very much at odds with the materialism implied by Saturn's symbolism of remaining firmly rooted, structured and limited to practical concerns.  Everyone may feel a certain degree of confusion regarding his or her personal philosophy and beliefs.  It is easy to feel as though life is 'happening to you,' as the victim of circumstance, or of a world that can seem so cruel. Yet we are each the originator of our own realities and lives, and when we take one hundred percent responsibility and ownership for what thoughts, actions, relationships, and choices we are creating, only then can we know our own power.

Today and over the next few weeks, leading up to Saturn's station on March 14th, is a wonderful time to step more fully into this sense of responsibility, allowing you to find a way to make stronger connections between the world of inner idealization and the concretely real; to bridge the un-manifest realm with the manifest - finding golden threads of connection between mundane existence and Spirit that underlies it. You could grow to take greater responsibility for your life, your outlook, and how you have come to be the person that you are.