A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse to Remember

Posted on April 3, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Saturday morning's Full Moon eclipse is a powerful lunation in its own right, because an eclipse, being an extra-potent Full Moon, and also because taking place in the middle of Cardinal signs, with the Sun and Moon in close aspect to both ends of the Uranus-Pluto square that remains less than a degree apart in the sky. The Sun conjuncts Uranus less than two degrees away, and is also in close parallel, while both lights even more closely square Pluto at the 15-degree mark of Capricorn. Saturn, leading the planetary pattern, is aspected by Mars and Venus, with a powerful stationing Jupiter also highlighted, so that the transformational energy of this lunation is at least partly directed toward issues of social change. It is actually getting very polarized out there, as is easily verified by a mere glance at the headlines. The time has indeed come when everyone must stand up for what they believe, or forfeit their vote for a better and a brighter tomorrow.

Mercury is exactly semi-sextile to numinous Neptune, prominent as well at the timing of the recent New Moon, so that we have all three major outer planets simultaneously activated. Neptune reminds us that we have the deeper and more multiverse understanding of a symbolic world that exists all around us when we have eyes to see it. In attempting solutions, the anti-linear route of Neptune will skirt mere logical thought process as it proceeds. Neptune is strong on compassion, and on oneness, the unbelievable concept that all souls currently on earth are at another level completely united. This is the dimension of thinking that might get us past the many crises that we as a species now face. As Witter Bynner puts it in his poetic translation of the Tao Te Ching, "One who knows his lot to be the lot of all other men is a safe man to guide them, / One who recognizes all men as members of his own body is a sound man to guard them."

There is considerable cosmic pressure upon us now to step up to the plate and do what we can in a real way, that is, while occupying what we might be able to relate to as the 'real' world. This is because both Venus in Taurus in this Full Moon, and also Mars in Aries at the timing of the recent solar eclipse, two weeks past, make strong aspects to Eris, Spiritual Warrior for Soul Purpose. This new planet, past Pluto, is located in Aries where she has been since the 1920s, and has been prominent in recent astrological currents. Eris is nudging each one of us to stand up for what we really believe, at soul level, and to courageously perform that task which, once we identify it as ours, we can no longer dare to ignore. Most of us know in our hearts what we need to do, and yet we often fail to do it. This is in part because of unrealized wounds that we carry, and that at times have the effect of holding us back from being who we know beyond doubt we at base essentially consist of. Yet this is a time of great recognition, of remembering who we truly are, when acceptance of ourselves in all the pretty and the not-so-pretty layers of our being is not only called for, but actually possible to be concretely realized.

The Sabian Symbols for this powerful Full Moon eclipse have something to offer us as well. They are, for the Sun, in the fifteenth degree of Aries: "An Indian weaving a blanket." We might take this for the blanket of life, symbolic of a return to natural values, and for the realization that all men and women, no matter their racial origin, are ultimately of one tribe. Marc Edmund Jones relates this to "personal fulfillment through simple elegance of self-expression ... the quiet persistence of each proper act of self." For the Moon, in the same degree of Libra, we find: "Circular paths," for which Jones has "subjective fulfillment by a thoroughness of participation in experience... — every individual's gift for remaining true to himself [or herself] at center." Indeed we must remember to be ourselves at all costs and in spite of whatever the world can manage to throw at us, to partake always of that which we know we are, and to do that which we know we can do, in the nature of helping to advance our struggling civilization beyond its current darkness into the light of higher knowledge.