Leo Horoscope for August 2015

Posted on August 7, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an important and complex month for you, Leo, when you will get closer to understanding yourself at deeper levels. You who live so close to the surface of life must at times descend to taste the richness of your own inner world, which seems invisible and yet actually underlies much of what you say and do. This has perhaps come home to you quite poignantly in recent weeks in symbolic chime with the mid-July New Moon gathering of planets in sensitive areas of your solar chart. Your creativity and your core issues are inevitably tied to each other, and you are serious about pursuing the connection. You are fortunate in your circumstances now, and lucky also to have the chance to more deeply delve into what satisfies you with a sense of true accomplishment.

As the month begins, you are feeling strongly the powerful impulse from the Full Moon of one day past, which took place in your opposite sign, signifying relationships, meaning that you are currently caught up in issues of self and other. This is especially so considering the retrograde of Venus through your sign as well, just getting underway. Venus in conjunction with fortunate Jupiter and in square with an extremely potent placement of Saturn implies that you will be looking under the covers of your relationship dynamic in the coming month, trying to ascertain how you tick in this important area of your life. In a vital symbolic chime with this, the recent mid-July New Moon that launched this early August cycle was in fact located in your sector of inner work and dream imagination. As a participatory factor in the way that you connect to others, the retrograde of Venus is also symbolic of unconscious process, and of investigating the barriers that hold you back from a fuller expression of your romantic and partnering instincts.

This birthday season is indeed an intense one for you; with Venus on her retrograde journey through your sign you will likely be provided more than a few chances to be in a thorough consideration of your relationship picture, and this includes all facets of your relating, not limited to romantic connection. What was stirred and dredged up in your unconscious process by the New Moon of July 15th is now swinging into full view for integration in the bright light of your conscious awareness. This is a bittersweet endeavor, and it is likely that you will be exposed to the full spectrum of your relational experience. You may feel the sweet, open, expansive loveliness of being in connection with those you cherish, as well as the triggering, painful, frustrating undercurrent of what being in close connection can bring up for you. This month represents a rite of passage, with many lessons to be gleaned, and is also a valuable time to re-consider, re-negotiate, and re-commit. You win when you can muster up the internal fortitude to practice patience and compassion for all involved as you navigate the art of healthy boundaries between self and other, finding success in inner realms as well as outer ones.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is also emphasized in this month's astrology. Chiron was activated by the station of Uranus just before the month began, and is so once again by being aspected by the New Moon in your sign taking place on August 14th, so that you come face to face with the hurt places inside of yourself that are creating a felt but not easily identifiable sense of blockage. What does get stirred up may not easily come into your direct knowing or experience; although a sixth sense within you is telling you that something is there. You are wise this month to simply relax in the knowing that there is a process underway much larger and than your rational mind can completely comprehend. Your powers of surrender might be the best ones that you possess for now. Like spring or summer cleaning, sometimes things have to get messier on the way to re-organization.

The content and reflections provided by the important connections in your life might also directly inform new developments this month in regard to your current fascination with your worldview; a philosophical doctrine that is in the final analysis yours, and yours alone. This is symbolized by the highlighted presence of Uranus and the new planet, Eris, in your higher mind sector. Your individual approach to life is therefore paramount, allowing you come to better understand those beliefs you hold so near and dear to your heart that you would do nearly anything to uphold them. Your inner focus, and as well any potential adversity that you face, can fuel this drive, allowing you to discover in dramatic fashion what it is you truly stand for, as your soul's true purpose takes further shape and dynamism. You might discover that once this inner fire is lit, nothing can slow you down, or quench your lion's heart.