A Leo New Moon of Inner Inspiration

Posted on August 12, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Friday morning's New Moon has a lot to tell us about ourselves, and our pathway forward, but we must find a way to bend our ears in order to be able to hear its subtle call. The degree of the New Moon in Leo corresponds closely to the degree of Uranus in Aries, forming a trine, so that we might expect the unexpected, with events and also in terms of surprising enlightenment. We find inspiration now "in the strangest of places," as the song goes, stemming from the deep intuitional message corresponding to the activity of this trickster archetype, which defies cultural norms. The New Moon also conjuncts retrograde Venus, about two degrees away, another symbol suggestive of inner perception. The Sun and Venus, moving toward one another due to Venus' retrograde motion, will meet on the very next day. We are likely to be spending a great deal of time these last weeks of summer in looking into our relationship dynamic, peering under the covers in this important area of life, attempting to discern our ultimate motivation.

The transformational energies of Pluto are also featured in this New Moon, as they were in the previous lunar cycle, now ending. This time the New Moon makes a bi-quintile aspect to Pluto, while Mars, newly entered into Leo, is in close contra-parallel. Pluto remains in aspect with Saturn as well, being in exact semi-square, and in mutual reception. We could be finding the very structure of our lives to be in major flux. While the resistance within us is strong to maintain the status quo, there will be definite and fundamental shifts that will take place, best understood with the perspective of time. There is a fair amount of angst in the hearts of each one of us, because no one likes to change, even though we must also acknowledge that change is a necessary and vital fact of life.

When we look at all that is going on within us, and in the society that we are surrounded by, we might have cause for despair; and yet, somehow, there is hope. Other planetary energies have the capacity now to guide us through. We have Jupiter, located in the first degree of Virgo, promoting refinement of the most earnest philosophical positions that we may take, and providing a contrast with the limiting and restrictive energies of Saturn. Then, too, Eris in Aries, very much emphasized in the current astrology, represents a voice for keeping strong and remaining willing to move ahead with our lives. This new archetypal energy encourages us to fight, in spite of everything, for that in which we most deeply believe.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon in trine with intuitional Uranus provides encouragement also. It is, for the Sun and Moon in the 22nd degree of Leo: "A carrier pigeon," for which Marc Edmund Jones has, "a symbol of the unlimited service of life at large to the special requirements of an individual's intelligence or understanding." And goes on to state that a person "may count on learning whatever he may need to know whenever he faces any unfamiliar or critical issue ... [through] a universal sensitiveness of mind which commands all knowledge, and receives messages of immediate pertinence." And this is by means, of course, of going inside for the answers that we seek. When we can learn to trust our intuitive faculty, we are equipped to take on the world and our own changes without a qualm, because we are coming from that deep place within us that represents our own unassailable truth.