Leo Horoscope for September 2015

Posted on September 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a very interesting monthly cycle for you, Leo. The self-reflective recent retrograde of Venus through to the middle of your sign, just ending in this first week of September, is matched after mid-month by the equally introspective retrograde of Mercury in your communications sector, slowing you down and taking you to internal places, especially with regard to the way that you reach out to others. You are this month redefining to some extent your notion of who you are. Partners are encouraging and also bring a mystical point of view, which could perhaps be confounding or confusing. This month is an excellent time for new insights regarding where you are heading toward the end a crucial year. It might be best to watch and wait, silently witnessing everything that is going on beneath the surface layers of your personality.

As the month begins, you are riding out the exciting wave of energy from the mid-August New Moon in your sign, which also featured a conjunction between Sun, Moon, and retrograde Venus, in trine with a prominent Uranus. One implication is that you have been examining your relationships more closely since that time, seeking the underlying motivation. This process continues into the first eleven days of the current month, leading up to the powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon of September 12th. Since Uranus was so particularly involved in this recent New Moon configuration, there have likely been many epiphanies for you to digest over these past two and a half weeks, regarding worldview, your relationship dynamic, and your life in general. There is a way that you have also been examining and acting on a new plan for what might be considered your inward-looking mission statement, that set of tasks and goals that you feel, at the deepest level of your being, that you came into this lifetime to fulfill.

There may be in certain moments a beautifully poetic nature to the relationship journey of this important lunar cycle, and some hard doses of reality to swallow in others. In symbolic chime with Mars conjunct retrograde Venus during the dramatic Full Moon of August 29th, just before September began, there is a continued unfolding of discovering who you are through the reflection the people you love. You might be constantly referring back to what you really value in others as a way into yourself. As you learn new and juicy means to direct your love flow outwardly — as is innate to your radiant Lion nature — so too it may be just as important for you to practice being supple and receptive on the intake, as well. As you juggle concepts of relating and of the personal logistics of your own arc of development, you might be reminded of Paul Simon's words, "negotiations and love songs are often mistaken for one and the same." As this late summer turns into fall, there continue to be plenty of renegotiating in this important area of relationship, with others, and primarily within yourself.

The numinous astrological archetype of Neptune is very much highlighted as well in the lunation configurations of this current month. This mystical and somewhat confusing energy has at least two faces because there is, on the one hand, much brightness and abundance available to you, while yet, on the other, there is room for errors in judgment, idealism bordering on delusion, and an overall feeling of uncertainty. Neptune is located in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, a position that connects to many of your issues now, as you explore your inner realms and the ins and outs of partnership connection. You could feel simultaneously hopeful for what is coming your way, in terms of either material wealth or other valuable gains, and yet unclear about the way in which this involves other people. It could also be that you arrive at a method of navigating these nuanced situations in a manner that is quite lovely and beneficial. If you can refrain from taking immediate action or needed to know everything, you could encounter the opportunity to simply bask in realms of imagination, spiritual curiosity, or loving intimacy.

Mercury stations retrograde on September 17th in your communications sector, and the advent of this particularly difficult Mercury Retrograde period signals a stretch of time when you might find yourself turning inward with your thoughts and in your utterances. You might note that this is also a time when really observing your thoughts in detail could be of great benefit to you, as well as meditating on what is going on below the surface of your mind. It is an excellent time to journal regarding what you are encountering. Your thoughts can be the informing factor of so many things, impacting your beliefs, your emotions, and even your physical health. This is a great time to take account of any bad habits that you have formed around your mental process, such as excessive worrying, self-criticism, or self-sabotaging, so that you fashion this second half of the month into an opportunity to get in touch with the ways that these behaviors affect your experience, moment to moment, of everyday life. This seems scary but is in actuality a fantastic chance to observe what happens when a thought arises, and where this is either positive or not helpful. In each case you can simply greet it, and then let it go. By directing your focus to the vast potentials and possibilities that lie dormant within you, this venture will ultimately result in a fruitful harvest.