Jupiter Opposite Neptune: Hopes & Dreams

Posted on September 15, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Neptune is the planet of inspiration and faith. With Jupiter in Virgo opposite Neptune in his home sign of Pisces, there is an extraordinary dose of creative energy available to you, now and extending to the next week or so, to pursue any inclination within you for heightened imagination, including artistic work, dream journaling, or meditative explorations of your own inner world.

You may also find greater access to compassion for self and others, and enhanced connection to the vast potentials that live in the ethers of pure possibility. With Jupiter in the mundane realms of Virgo, everyone has a good chance of grounding their more lofty visions into the nuts and bolts existence that benefits so hugely from this access. While largely a truly happy-feeling aspect, this configuration is emblematic also of pitfalls such as illusions potentially looming, issues of making things bigger than they really are, or of egotism, undue grandeur, getting lost in bliss-land, perhaps in other some way bypassing your challenges. As cliché as it sounds like this: that you keep your feet on the ground while still reaching for the stars.