Leo Horoscope for October 2015

Posted on September 30, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a time of transition and trial, Leo, and yet is ultimately beneficial for you. The travel bug might bite you around mid-month, and in any case there will be significant revelations regarding worldview. Your communicative outreach has been somewhat curtailed lately as a more introspective mood has overtaken you, consistent with the retrograde of Mercury. This makes for a truly terrific time to meditate on your situation, and to journal. The transformational pressure from last spring is still active. This has perhaps been slumbering within you, and is stirring to greater wakefulness this month, and as you head into the ending of the year. In spite of recent gains, doing things in the same old way is no longer cutting it. A mystical exploration is underway, as part of a deep process within you, and you do well to recognize its strangeness as your friend.

As the month begins, you are riding out the wave of the very powerful New Moon eclipse, from the middle of the previous month, which took place in your sector of resources and values. This implies a fresh start of some sort in your finances, and in the way that you find security and relate to the material world in general. Because this was an extra-potent New Moon, being an eclipse, and because of a healthy dose of both Pluto and Uranus in this powerful configuration, you are also finding new epiphanies coming into your consciousness with every passing day. Your worldview is shifting, and your commitment to service intensifying. You might experience mystical realities as being as concretely present as physical ones. This can cause some confusion, and yet also great progress in the way of discovering who you are, at the core. This is intensified by depth investigations into what is happening within the numinous spaces of your own inner world.