Scorpio Horoscope for December 2015

Posted on December 1, 2015 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are exploring your world this month, Scorpio, in ways both inner and outer, and you might be having a hard time distinguishing which carries the greater burden of reality. On the heels of an interesting previous monthly period of self-exploration, and accompanying new vision, you necessarily and logically come to a follow-up in this current timeframe in which the factors in your daily life, in the light of recent revelations, expand and take on new symbolic meaning. Full-on enlightenment flickers in and out of your mental apparatus, and through your depths, and yet, somehow, remains just out of the reach of your conscious view. Relationship is especially important to you now, as you begin to see the ways in which you interact with partners, and as you also project expectations and even hidden areas of your psyche onto these important others in your life.

As the month begins, you are coming off of the recent Full Moon from one week ago that represented a communicative breakthrough in the way that you relate. You have been seeking the balance point that relationship provides and, as well as outside yourself, discovering that it can be found within a portion of your own deep center. There is an eminently practical part of you that is thus invoked, and also a more wild and freedom-loving side that desires nothing of hard-and-fast reality, preferring to allow full sway to dreams and fantasies that seem to possess no correlate in the unforgiving three-dimensional physical plane of mundane existence. You would like to let your soul run liberated from all requirements but then again, you find yourself constrained by circumstances to let go of some of that concept in order to cope. Although you can have perfect freedom on the inside of your mind, putting food on the table and a roof overhead does have its place and must eventually be recognized, in some sense, as equally primary.

As the month continues to unfold, it must be acknowledged that there is a revolution taking place within you whereby the way that you see the world around you is no longer at all the same. It is also possible that, over the course of an active month, old and outmoded patterns of behavior might become more conscious in order to test you, perhaps arising as reactivity. These could be associated with hurts of the past, perhaps from as long ago as early childhood, that you are ready to acknowledge and to move beyond. Your communicative outreach is one place where transformation is visible. Another lies in the gradual demise of belief systems that you can no longer relate to; something is taken but what remains can grow to fulfill an even greater function for you.