Cancer Horoscope for February 2016

Posted on January 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another difficult month for you, Cancer, although not when you take a positive attitude toward major change. This is a good time to decide to just go with the flow; if you are intent on keeping everything in your life the same, you might have it quite a bit tougher. Something regarding partnership is dying and something else entirely is being reborn, which does not necessarily mean the death of an existing relationship, but rather the relationship as you currently know it. You have been reflecting rather deeply on the important connections in your life, and on what it truly means to be intimate with another, and these meditations will bear fruit in the current month. Another key subject matter contributing to deep change taking place within you is your concept of service to others, and to whatever connects you to your higher self.

As the month begins, you are feeling the creative tension between the concept of working strictly within the frame of your own individuality, versus active involvement with important persons in your life. You win when you entertain a richer amalgamation including viewpoints other than your own. In this, you may be finding that sometimes the longest way around is the shortest way home, and that a combination of perspectives wins out over either person in isolation. The trick, perhaps, is to honor the input and the viewpoint of others, and accept that the whole is greater than the parts, without giving up or compromising on the individual uniqueness that you bring to the table, of which you also have quite a goodly supply these days.

It might be that old wounds will surface to interfere with your growth, or with having the gumption to proceed where, deep down, you know you must be heading. This in fact represents an opportunity to get to know yourself more fully at the deeper layers of your being, where a large portion of the action actually lies. Accepting yourself in these deeper reaches of your unconscious process is one of the great lessons of this period, providing that you are open to receiving it.