A Grounded and Structurally Transformative Full Moon

Posted on February 21, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Monday morning's Full Moon in Virgo, opposite the Sun in the early degrees of Pisces, marks an important opening for further transformation to take place for each one of us, and in the life of the collective that surrounds us, with specifically an emphasis on the changing structures of systems and beliefs that we are seeing as a fundamental part of this new century. The awareness of the massive changes that we are in the midst of is rapidly growing, and this applies both individually and culturally, as a glance at recent headlines clearly shows. There is a great deal of emphasis upon both Pluto and Saturn right now, and the strong connection between them. Stodgy and conservative Saturn is in either collision or collusion with the transformative energies of the dark Lord of the Underworld, representing unconscious process, as symbolized astrologically by transformative Pluto in almost exact parallel with Saturn through the next several months. With Mercury in Aquarius getting ready to make a sextile to Saturn, and, on the other side, to Uranus as well, occupying their midpoint, there is therefore greater consciousness available, now, as reflected in this Full Moon, and heading into March, regarding what we are up to and where we are going in our lives.

The Sun and Moon make minor aspects to Pluto, by sesquiquadrate and semi-square, so that Pluto is once again emphasized in this week's Full Moon configuration, as it was at the Aquarius New Moon that began the current cycle, and as it will be again in the timing of the Pisces Solar Eclipse and New Moon of March 8th. Positive and expansive Jupiter is also powerfully positioned now, in line with the lunar nodal axis, and in aspect to the new planet, Eris, which emphasizes whatever she touches in the sky, as revealed in birth chart analysis. Strong Jupiter brings a note of optimism into the picture, and a yen for a more peaceful and productive future.

The powerful presence of Saturn is quite interesting now as well, in wide T-square with the Sun and Moon in this Full Moon configuration, trine Uranus, representing the strong impulse for change — for avoiding at all costs the stultifying rut of an outmoded status quo. Saturn is closely parallel Pluto, as described above, and symbolizes holding back from being fully able to move forward with our lives. There is thus something of a push and pull going on right now. We have the powerful impulse toward personal evolution, and the fear of the future that holds us back from moving ahead with the changes we contemplate. This is so even though we can see with one part of ourselves that these changes are aligned with our own best interest. With regard to inner angst, Jupiter is also closely opposed to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which is another way of describing the fear of the future that holds us back. With our fundamentally wounded nature thus coming to the fore, we are also more aware than ever of our patterns of early conditioning and ancient trauma that we carry, that we must find a way to deeply connect with, ultimately to integrate and move beyond, if we are to make headway in our individual journeys.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon — by a form of synchronicity — relate to increasing awareness of our social setting, as represented by powerfully placed Jupiter and Saturn in their forming square, and to finding a way forward into a more global future for ourselves, and for our planetary environment, amidst the difficulties of this fractious and yet hopeful age. They are, for the Moon in the fourth degree of Virgo, "A black child playing with white children;" and this of course reminds us of the polarity that is represented in the various contrasts that we see in our current skies, Uranus with Pluto (revolutionary vision) versus the limited and fearful Saturn archetype, and also Jupiter versus Saturn. These polarities are reflected as well in today's world, where the point of contention is, at times, quite literally black and white. Marc Edmund Jones comments, "this is a symbol of the actual illimitability of human relationships... [building] into the fabric of a whole self, and group, [as long as] each one has [his or her] own unconditioned manifestation." For the Sun's degree, the fourth of Pisces, we find, "Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus." This symbol resonates today as a quite literal description of where we are, both individually and culturally. The information super-highway has run ahead of its corollaries on the ground, flooded with crowds, and the information that streams forth has somehow to become absorbed by each individual brain. As Marc Edmund Jones remarks above, we will be all right when we can each retain our individual selfhood and higher awareness, rising above our conditioning and the dull roar of consensus thinking by asserting our own unique voice.