Gemini Horoscope for March 2016

Posted on February 28, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an amazing month for you, Gemini, one for which your recent meditative stance over the first six weeks of the year has you well prepared. This current month, you have a solar eclipse in your career sector, opposite optimistic Jupiter. In some sense, for you right now, the sky is the limit. This is not a matter of profession only, but applies to every way that you show up in the world and exteriorize your contributions. Partners serve as mentors for this project, and their voices, although perhaps completely different in perspective from your own, act as counter-point and foil for what you bring, promoting greater awareness on your part for that which you have on offer. This gift of yourself also closely involves talents and proclivities lying deep within you. Because these rarely see the light of day, they become all the more important for you to express.

As the month begins, you are experiencing a complex call to action and activity in the world around you. This is a very mystical time. There are elements of wild fantasy present and also a conservative commitment to see your ideas through to full self-actualization — to the final perfection of such expression. It is also true that there must be a factor of deep soul purpose, or your initiative will die on the vine and never be fully accomplished. Through this timing of the first week of the month, you are preparing for the moment of the March 8th solar eclipse in your sector of career and profession, when your gifts will be more fully activated.

Your basic beliefs are now in flux, as they have been this entire this past year, or more, and partners in your life are one means by which you are able to recognize this. Partnership itself is a powerful mirror for you in these times of change, and is subject to perhaps the most major changes; as you continue to transform in this area, the value of your relationships, and their impact upon your life, are matters of great and abiding interest for you. By this means, acting on an expanded sense of yourself to do great works, a feeling that comes directly from your heart, you are arriving this month at a significant refinement of your talents, which are becoming more available to the world around you.