Scorpio Horoscope for April 2016

Posted on April 1, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another noteworthy month for you, Scorpio, after a perhaps rather difficult beginning of the year. In spite of coming closer to seeing your most problematic underlying issues exposed during the eclipses of March, you remain fundamentally optimistic, as indicated by the strong presence of fortunate Jupiter in your sector of future plans. The mid-month retrograde of your ruler, Mars, casts an interesting air of introspection over the proceedings. The last half of the month is not therefore a time for rapid forward movement with outer world concerns, being better suited for contemplating the changes that are still evolving within you. You might also find increased inspiration for dealing with relationship issues in a new way. This inner mandate for understanding yourself in deep connection to important others in your life is where your most significant progress will be made.

As the month begins, you are deeply motivated in new directions of service toward others and the surrounding collective. You are sensing into concepts of soul intention, and do well to write down what you are able to discern with this highly developed inner vision. Your dreams could also reveal their truth to you as you have the presence of mind to see it. This could be a good time to journal your thoughts or to communicate them to trusted comrades. It is as if the world were upside down as far as intelligibility to all but this interior kind of visioning; or as though you yourself were reversed in consideration of what matters. You now find that matters of Spirit appeal to you more poignantly than material substance or getting on with business as usual. It is thus the inner meaning of your situation that increasingly speaks to you as the first part of the month wears on.

You are heading for an important juncture on the 17th of the current month, when your two planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, station to retrograde motion within a day of each other, in your sector of resources and values. Mars remains in backward motion for ten weeks or more, until nearly the end of June. There is a powerful outer planet presence this entire monthly cycle, including, at this time of the station of Mars especially, Jupiter in opposition to Neptune, and in square to Saturn. This implies that the world is more what you make of it, than anything that exists apart from your own perception. This is a time when financial initiatives are put on hold, and when you are more attuned to the riches that you discover within you. There is a great deal of value for you in this form of internal reflection, so that you may find before month's end new ways to communicate, to co-exist, and to be of true service to others.