Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2016

Posted on April 1, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a season to remember, Sagittarius. While paying the closest possible attention to closeted home truths, you are nevertheless sizzling in outer world achievement and moving into a bright new beginning for your creative juices to flow. Your inner process has been up for you, but this month you are feeling your way out of a maze of inner uncertainties into a bright new sky of greater conscious participation in your own spiritual unfolding. You are, as well, refining your sense of life mission and finding collaborative innovation for your artistic process, all with the help of significant persons in your life. If inner and outer are two sides of the same coin, yours is spinning. It is important to recognize that in spite of worldly success that dazzles, your interior universe is whispering that you cannot have the one without the other.

As the month begins, you are feeling very positive and a little wild, with the evolutionary urges represented by a powerfully placed Uranus in your sector of creative self-expression, and as well, the strongly linked presence of your ruler, Jupiter, at the top of your solar chart, signifying your work in the world. You are in a terrific place for new ideas to blossom within you, and are very likely to find satisfaction by playing them out in the real world. Of course, discrimination also needs to be employed to choose the right ones to sponsor, and you have this available to you with a recently retrograde Saturn strong in your sign as well at this cosmic juncture. There is a little matter of Mars retrograde later in the month, taking place in your sign and slowing you down, but on the whole your prognosis for worldly success is very good.

One could equally say that, rather than the greased skids toward instant achievement that the foregoing paragraph would indicate, you have a slowing down of all kinds of outer world activity due to the presence of Saturn in your sign, and the oncoming mid-month retrogrades of Mars and Pluto. Parallel aspects connect all three of these intense planetary archetypes to each other and two of them are in your own sign. Depending on your Sun degree, that is to say how early in the months of November or December you were born, you might have one of these extraordinary planetary alignments directly on your Sun, and this would make this month, for you, quite definitely a slowed and rather introspective timing, even if you were not born within a couple of degrees of 8 or 16 Sagittarius. So there is a paradoxical push-pull going on here, of outer and of inner, in an up-and-down monthly cycle that promises to be interesting, perhaps even strange, and definitely powerfully transformative.