Aquarius Horoscope for April 2016

Posted on April 1, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a big month for you, Aquarius, as indicated by the energy currently at your disposal, and by the enthusiasm you feel for deep inner knowledge to more consciously emerge. As you explore what is exemplified by your own inner world, you are also refining your experience of intimacy with important persons in your life. The New Moon of April 7th is a particularly significant timing for you, since it almost exactly conjuncts your ruler, Uranus, in a sector of your solar chart symbolizing curiosity and learning. This represents a new thrust of your thought process, and of your deep intuitional awareness that goes beyond thought. You are seeking nothing less than a new worldview that makes sense to you personally, taking your profound inner vision, perhaps best represented by concepts of Spirit, and transforming this into your own particular metaphysics and a new level of practical understanding.

As the month begins, you are experiencing a shift in your conception of what has been going on for you lately. During the past several weeks of the intense transformational thrust that the recent eclipse configurations have represented, you have been slowly digesting events and your reactions to them. As revealed in the current astrological symbolism, there has been a huge focus on inner matters and these are now further percolating into your more studied awareness. This month is also about finding further and more elaborated areas of linkage within yourself, as a follow-up to these past few weeks of intense evolutionary pressure, and also with regard to important others. The perspective that is gained from allowing yourself to sink into closer connection with the right partner, while never matching up entirely, or overshadowing your own understanding, makes for a better and more well-rounded viewpoint that is extremely valuable in allowing you to sort out your own truth.

While the first six days of April thus represents a summing up of previous experience and insight, the second weekend, beginning with the Aries New Moon of Thursday, April 7th, signals a burst of fresh energy that will illuminate what has come before, and add to your growing sense of new beginnings with the advent of the springtime. This is one very important date for you over this entire month, highlighted by the Sun and Moon in forming conjunction with Uranus, your solar chart's ruler. Another comes along ten days later, with the joint retrograde of Mars and Pluto on the 17th and 18th. These two powerful planets are both still closely linked by declinational aspect to a recently retrograde Saturn, in the same area of your chart as Mars, referring to future plans. This indicates a timing when you are pulled even more to the inside, as you struggle, in the light of recent refinements in your comprehension, to redefine your pathway forward.

You are coming to a better and more fully formed idea of what in this lifetime you are truly all about, and this must include as a vital part of the equation the knowledge that lies hidden away in your own deep center, as you are coming to consciously understand these deeper layers of your personality.