Happy Virgo Season!

Posted on August 23, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

On August 22nd, the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo!

About Virgo:
Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. They may appear nervous or obsess over health issues. They are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of their life, although they may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where they have not yet found their guiding principle of organization.

Virgos love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. They are also likely to be a good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. They can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and they may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits them to learn the fine line between discrimination and criticism.

Virgos' mission in life is the purification of their activity in pursuit of their goals, manifesting their inherent love of excellence in all strivings.

For more detailed information on Virgo, click here

Happy Solar Return to all you Virgos! This is a special time of year for you, as the Sun returns to the same point in the sky as when you were born. May this trip around the Sun be filled with happiness and good health.