Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2016

Posted on August 29, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are in for a powerful month ahead, Sagittarius, with lots of energy, although little actual progress, and a large degree of introspective stillness that leads to inner growth. Intent on self-development, and your ongoing changes, you are energized in outer world achievement and planning, but you find yourself more or less marching in place until you better connect to all the layers of your motivation. You are mulling over every facet of your situation, perhaps especially your relationship dynamic and its effect on your process. You might be focusing somewhat on painful places within you that hold you back from fostering true partnership connection. As you grow in understanding, difficulties detected at the very core of your being are occupying much of the time you spend in contemplation, with the prospect as you persevere of greater empathy for the quirks of your own character, and further healing.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift in energy corresponding to the extremely potent Thursday morning Solar Eclipse and New Moon in your career sector. The powerful Mercury Retrograde taking place throughout the month in this same sector is particularly strong for you. This takes up the entire month, counting the recovery time known as the retrograde shadow period. This implies that attempting to take up the reins of outer world tasks, as you are tempted to do (from the prominence and the power of this New Moon in your chart) leads to missed connections and other frustrating circumstances, while taking your time to smell the roses and mull over your situation leads to your true productivity right now, yielding up further insight into your own inner world.

This is an entirely otherworldly and also nuts-and-bolts realistic monthly cycle for you, paradoxical as that might seem, one in which you might well be specializing in a form of mystical practicality or grounded spirituality or else be driven slightly crazy by attempting to satisfy the antithetical demands of these very different energies operating within you. You are also attuned to the pain that you feel at living an ethereal and almost ghostly existence in a world of schedules and obligations, running counter to your innermost desire for numinous connection with the gear-works of universal truth. Because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is prominently placed in your solar chart and highlighted by this month's lunations, you may be experiencing as well a return to ancient wounding, likely dating from days of early childhood, when you suffered trauma that was too massive to handle in your then-current state of maturity. If so, then you have a terrific opportunity this month to get to know yourself far better in the hidden and walled-off parts of yourself that are crying out for acknowledgement, acceptance, and love.