Gemini Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on September 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month for navigating some intense interlocking patterns within you, Gemini, and you will want to be asking yourself the question: where do they lead' You find yourself in another quite interesting monthly cycle following, over these past four weeks or more, the recent retrograde of Mercury, your ruler, through a largely internal sector of your chart. You might in fact be able to see that this has stirred things up for you considerably, when you stop to look. As Mercury recovers, and you rearrange your mind, and you obtain further clues as to what your angel guides, and your own higher purpose, intend, and make new determinations now, based on new understandings. It might help considerably if you can allow yourself to be willing to let your life unfold the way that it will, without making any fixed pre-judgment on what is actually going on.

As the month begins, you are feeling the energy of the recent New Moon in your sector of creative self-expression and outward connection. This is accompanied as well by an opposition between Mercury, your ruler, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of manifestation, including professional considerations and career choices. This more externally directed energy contrasts with the intensified inner gaze that has likely accompanied your entire past month, during the Mercury Retrograde period of time. This period also stimulated a highlighted presence of Chiron, indicating greater consciousness concerning early wounding. You may well have been meditating for all these weeks regarding habitual patterns, based on prior trauma, that have come up for you, and which you are still mulling over as the current month opens. You are likely reaching a more advanced stage of this internal confrontation, and if so, this is encouraging. Your best bet with these issues of unattended complexes of pain, buried deep within you, is to approach directly and head-on any feelings of which you might become aware. You make progress by welcoming these cast-off parts of yourself into better alignment with your conscious understanding.

Another important factor for you in this monthly cycle, based on the highlighted presence of Uranus in close conjunction with the new planet, Eris, located in your sector of societal contribution and future plans, is that you are in the process of redirecting your efforts at fitting yourself in with groups of friends, or with regard to favorite causes. You are perhaps seeking new ways to plug yourself into the society that surrounds you and thus actualize your vision for a future self that is developing inside you. There are startling insights that you will likely come to in this area of life, especially in mid-month, around the time of the Aries Full Moon. As the month continues to unfold, you will come to more fully recognize the extent that you are called to a higher purpose in all your dealings, and specifically in the way that you relate to a form of deep inner knowing that has always been there for you.

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