Aquarius Horoscope for October 2016

Posted on September 30, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month of October that you have going on, Aquarius, and it leads to a better and more informed merger within you between inner and outer concerns. You are curious about your world these days and find solace in discovering how much of yourself goes into your expanding viewpoint regarding the universe that surrounds you. Ultimately your meditations can be seen as a doorway to a greater process of philosophical thought. The products of your mind and heart may be available for the consumption of others, but first and foremost they must be completely true to your own internal mandate for what counts as success. You are looking to the future, but in a way that makes sense only to you, and therefore confront an important turning within yourself, which urges you to abandon everything that does not emanate from your own deep process.

As the month begins, you are riding the energy of the Libra New Moon from Friday, September 30th, that took place in your sector of higher mind, education, and travel perspectives, in conjunction with expansive Jupiter. You are more than likely very positive in your outlook now, and seeking to explore and better understand the world around you. As is symbolized by the dual presence of Mars and Pluto in your sector of unconscious process, along with aspects between both Saturn and your ruler, Uranus, to numinous Neptune located in a key sector of your solar chart, you are taking greater account of inner realms. These speak to you in unclear images that nevertheless hold a significance that appears to you as more pressing than the amorphous background hum of consensus thought.

Throughout the course of this month, you could feel somewhat stymied in terms of outer achievement, and yet rich in progress of an entirely different kind, which could in the long run prove more valuable. This is indeed a meditative, thoughtful, and philosophical time, with much of your energy directed to the inside. You can view your life as an artifact in progress, which it is, or as a way station on the road to financial success, which it might be, or as a work of art unfolding. This latter approach might in the long run prove to be the most interesting.

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