Libra Horoscope for November 2016

Posted on December 9, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of relative contrast, Libra, when you have a spiritually active and fundamentally optimistic attitude pervading your soul, and yet also feel the pull of a practical, overly restrictive and even pessimistic feeling of hard and fast reality closing in on you. This occurs together with a sense that something deep within you is irrevocably changing. This is therefore in some ways a difficult month for you, more so if you try to avoid transformation and the process of letting go. Certain parts of yourself are restless with the urge to move on, while with other parts of your psyche you may be holding back. The factor of important partners in your life becomes more relevant to this issue as the month continues to unfold, and can help you to break free of attitudes and habitual patterns of behavior that have become obsolete to your expanding self-concept.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy of the Scorpio New Moon from two days past, which featured the strong presence of Sun, Moon and Mercury in your second sector of values, resources, and finances, with an emphasis as well on numinous Neptune, and on Jupiter residing in your sign. This is basically a forward-looking and positive time for you, with the otherworldly presence of Neptune also contributing to your sense of what is going on in your day-to-day life, and in your evolving attitude toward concepts of service to others. The Neptune influence is strong, bolstered by the presence of Mercury in close trine and also Jupiter, and is essentially spiritual although this influence can seem idealized or even escapist. You might feel self-sacrificing now, and seeking to understand how to be helpful without in the process giving up too many of your own needs. Through it all, you are seeking to better understand your own individual mission statement, or what you most deeply feel that you are setting out to accomplish in this lifetime.

As you attempt to sort out where you are and what you need to do to advance your current spiritual and psychological evolution, you are also well aware at some level of the extent that things are changing for you, deep down.

Through it all you have a great deal of focus now on communication and learning, which is one way that you are setting out to explore what is truly going on for you in the deeper layers of your psyche. You might feel closed down, or perhaps stymied, in what you are attempting, and you can look at this either negatively or in a way of understanding that that is perhaps just where you currently need to be. As astrologer Carolyn Casey says, the water that flows more slowly through the irrigation ditch has the better chance of sinking in.