Libra Horoscope for January 2017

Posted on December 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another wild and wooly month for you, Libra, one in which you will be celebrating and also pulling back from celebrating. The astrological indications are strong for both positive forging ahead, perhaps most especially in relationship matters, and for also making a conservative and meditative reassessment of where things are going for you in all areas of your life. Part of this forecast depends upon the existence of a rather potent Mercury Retrograde period, already underway, that is taking place in a key sector of your solar chart. Even as you expand your activities in both private and public spheres, and move in a positive direction (or several, all at once) toward committed partnership, you are likely to be feeling a bit isolated, and taking at times a pause in order to introspect, and to reconnect with yourself only.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy from the Capricorn New Moon from the end of December that lit up what some astrologers call your “root cellar”, namely the Nadir of your chart, associated with deep inner places and, as well, with home and family concerns. The Sun and Moon at that timing aligned with retrograde Mercury there, so that the ongoing and introspectively-oriented backward motion of Mercury through your home and family sector becomes even more prominent this month. Heading into these first weeks, this can therefore be a time of missed connections and misconceptions regarding familial ties, and also issues around your dwelling space, so that you benefit when you can double-check arranged meetings and also attempt to clarify anything that comes up for you that can be traced to a presumption on your part. What you thought was true for the other person might not have been their truth; it pays to get clear on what was actually intended. Indeed, you may find that you have been refining your understanding of family and partner connections, both, during the final days of the previous year, and into this new one.

The New Moon also strongly lined up with Neptune in your sector of day-to-day environment and service to others. This implies for this thirty-day lunation cycle an over-idealization around what you do and how you reach out to help others, from either empathy or compulsion. There is great potential for confusion now, and yet also for genuine compassion to emerge. You are rising to the best, in a spiritual way, of what you have to offer. This is a fundamentally optimistic month for you, as symbolized by the strong presence of a highly activated Jupiter, located in your sign; a time when many ideas will come and when impulsive exuberance is highlighted. You are additionally and in contrast feeling the pinch of practicality that stifles these, so that plans can go awry, and the end result is not at all simple. You do well to stick to your intuition and to try your best under each set of circumstances, whether joyful or constrained. Expect the unexpected, and remain accepting of whatever the universe tosses at you for your ultimate benefit, and you will never be caught off guard.