Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2017

Posted on December 31, 2016 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting and changeful month for you, Sagittarius, continuing and accelerating the series of major life transformations that you have been subject to, over the course of this past year or more. With Mercury retrograding through your sector of values and assets, you have been somewhat questioning your very basis of security, financial and otherwise, as well as attempting to more realistically Marshal your resources for the task of activism to which you have recently assigned yourself. You are comprehending in greater detail than ever before your deepest beliefs and standards, and the activity that these imply if you are to actually “put your money where your mouth (and heart) is.” You are feeling into your next stage, that will blossom at the end of the month and over the remainder of the new year, as you further refine your understanding of the talents and abilities that you bring to the table, and where to put them to best use in fulfilling your most sincere soul-level goals.

As the month begins, you are still feeling the energy of the powerful Capricorn New Moon that took place during the final days of December in your sector of values and resources, in conjunction with retrograde Mercury, indicating meditative reflection on interpersonal connection as well as what makes you feel safe and secure. This latter is established in part from financial considerations, although this idea is likely to be modified and enhanced by the process of self-reflection that you are in the midst of, lasting for most of the remainder of the month. Because Pluto has been residing in this same sector for many years now, as well, and is squared by Uranus in your self-expression sector, there has been a long-term and valuable process of attempting to better understand this idea of how material factors play into your basis for psychological security.

This is an incredibly potent monthly cycle for you. With your ruler, Jupiter, highlighted in your sector of societal involvement and future plans, opposed to Uranus, you are encountering epiphanies at every turn and these have long-term effects, as you strive for greater awareness of what you are truly up to. With Mercury still retrograde, or recovering, until the 27th , this month is more of a research phase; it might be too soon for drastic action based on new-found realizations. In this you must also consider inner needs, the awareness of which has been slowly dawning in a form of integration of all levels of yourself, those surface layers with which you are most familiar and, as well, the inner reaches of your deep unconscious where your personality finds its fundamental basis. These deeper areas of your psyche are stimulated by this month’s astrological currents because Mars, the ruler of this sector of your solar chart, is found in close contact with Neptune, in your sector of your psychological roots, and closely connected to the Sun and Moon in the telling New Moon configuration that began the current cycle. Entering this new year, you are in a place of fundamental and thoroughgoing change, as you strive for greater practical understanding of what your life is currently about, and as you integrate all the disparate parts of your earthly and more cosmic experience.

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