Taurus Horoscope for February 2017

Posted on January 30, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of contrasts and contradictions, Taurus, as you come out strongly for what you want in terms of business accomplishment and your own creative self-expression. This is a great month for progress on outer world fronts, yet most of the real action is taking place on the inside. Your inner world has much to tell you over the course of another quite interesting lunar cycle, although this takes remaining open to the powerful intuitional information that you receive in this way. It is as though your angel guidance was whispering in your ear the entire month, on a frequency that only you can understand. Your faith in yourself is thus severely tested because the great temptation is to think more practical thoughts, and to behave according to the way the world around you behaves. It’s a little subversive, but you win when you can turn inside to listen and close your eyes to see.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Maria DeSimone of Insightful Astrology:

Although you may crave extra privacy, it might feel nearly impossible to steal away time for yourself. Venus, your ruling planet, will move into the most hidden area of your chart on February 3 and will remain here for an unusually long stretch since she’ll turn retrograde next month on March 4. Alone time will be a hot commodity to savor whenever you have the opportunity. If possible, try to carve out at least a few minutes each day to think, dream and ponder your life - alone. The reason why this will be an essential task is because over the next several weeks you’ll realize that a few details concerning self-worth, relationships or finances may require revision. Your most authentic self is whispering to you now and unless you open yourself up and tune in, you might miss a vital message.

Even so, life will try to distract you from much solitude. During the first several days of February you’ll still be under the influence of a brilliant New Moon that took place on January 27 in your career sector. A professional opportunity may require your complete attention. In fact, with Venus moving into the most discreet area of your chart another possibility is that you’ll begin a top secret project that will help you reach the next level of success in your field. Go for it!

Then, on February 10 a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will illuminate domestic matters. If there’s a clash between what you want for yourself and what’s best for your family, you’ll ultimately choose them over yourself. This may be frustrating but the good news is that the events around this Eclipse will likely yield a positive outcome for all. If you’re involved in a real estate transaction it may be settled during this time. You might even be in the process of moving. Alternatively, someone might move in or out of your home.

Your social life will become a strong focus near the New Moon Solar Eclipse on February 26. You might take on a new role in a group or organization you’re affiliated with. Be open to forming new friendships and social contacts. The people you meet will not only be inspiring, but they may help you manifest one of your most heartfelt aspirations over the next several months. You might also begin working on a new social media campaign, website or webinar series. Expect success.