Aries Horoscope for March 2017

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an entirely dynamic month of March for you, Aries. You have an amazing collision of energies in your sign that practically jet-propel you out of existing ruts and onto the trail of new endeavors, while, at the same time, you are also paying even closer attention than in the recent past to your own deep interior process. This is a powerfully transformative time, most of this past year, in some ways peaking now. In another month full of surprises, you could find that you are being challenged to leave behind outmoded dysfunctional behaviors that are holding you back. Partners are extremely helpful, with new perspectives on ancient situations. The New Moon eclipse that preceded the advent of the current month by a few days time took pace in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, indicating that most of your transformation is taking place on the inside.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

March is truly a signature month for Aries individuals this year. Your life is once again in flux, following closely on the heels of a solar eclipse (Feb 26th) in Pisces in your 12th house, a house associated with loss, deprivation and self-undoing. The month also begins with Venus, the Moon, Mars, and Uranus all clustered together in your home sign of Aries, closely opposing Jupiter in the 7th house of relationships. If you recently lost something or experienced a hardship or made a poor choice, then this month may begin with the desire to rectify the situation, or take strong actions toward recovering, healing, or repairing something. If you have recently witnessed someone suffering, or something unjust, then you may come out swinging in defense of those in need. Additionally, you may find that throughout the entire month of March your relationships are undergoing profound transformations. You are changing, and the people you love may be changing, and so the question might be, “Are we going to grow together, or is this the time to part ways?”

On March 4th, Venus will station and begin her retrograde phase for the rest of the month. This transit echoes and reinforces the ongoing opposition between Jupiter and Uranus in your first and seventh houses. You are changing, and others are changing, and these changes will require both people within any partnership to carefully evaluate what comes next. Expect this month to move fast and hard with these themes!

On March 10th, Mars will enter Taurus and move into your second house of money, finances, and resources. Following on the recent solar eclipse in your 12th house, it’s important that you be cautious about spending. You know the advice about not going to buy groceries when you haven’t eaten all day' Just imagine that you haven’t eaten all month, and keep that in mind when considering big purchases, lifestyle and diet, business or money-making strategies, or any investment opportunities. It’s also a good month to push forward with and complete projects, but be careful about an overly rigid or controlling or even domineering attitude when it comes to work.

On March 14th, Mercury will also enter Aries after spending the first half of the month in your 12th house. Watch for important news, messages, or messengers arriving to help, aid or assist you, or to present useful or clarifying information. It’s possible that you will learn of secrets or that pieces of gossip will surface after Mercury finishes its first half of the month in the 12th house, and comes into the light and power of the 1st, so don’t be surprised, and be careful not to overreact to any disturbing or challenging information that comes to you now.

Finally, the Sun enters your sign on the Spring equinox, March 20th. From this day through the rest of the month, watch as a potent surge of confidence, energy, and intentionality continue to power terrific changes within you and especially within your relationships. Put simply, this is the month to get things right, to start over if you need to, and to confront yourself and your relationships head on!