Libra Horoscope for March 2017

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month for you, Libra, one of attempting to more firmly establish a sense of personal mission for yourself. Your process there is fraught with many unexpected twists, turns, and confusions. Your ruler, Venus, located in your relationship sector as the month begins, turns to retrograde motion on the 4th and does not re-enter your opposite sign until nearly the end of April, symbolizing that this is essentially a month and a half of introspection and of getting your bearings. You might spend an extraordinary amount of time mulling over recent events, and your responses to them, trying to find the golden thread connecting these to your true destiny. This involves inner values over outer concerns, and takes partnership interaction very definitely into account as well. You benefit by paying close attention to intuition. You are in an essentially fortunate place of good instincts and of forging ahead to the destination your angel guides are nudging you toward.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

This month is all about justice, retribution, and fairness for Librans. The month begins just after the solar eclipse (Feb 26th) in Pisces in your sixth house, representing day-to-day events, your workplace, and service to others. This is a house that was traditionally called “bad fortune,” and is related (among other things) to unfairness in the world. Whether it’s poverty, hard work without appropriate recognition or compensation, or sickness without assistance, this month it’s likely that Librans are stepping forward to fight for the causes they believe in. A solar eclipse in the sixth house shows the picture of a brand-new beginning or opportunity to serve others, to combat sickness, or to fight against the forces of injustice you find yourself surrounded by right now.

With Jupiter retrograde in Libra as a powerful planetary player in your first house this month, it's possible that you are being called to task for previous actions or arrogance. If you find that you are facing authority figures, laws, codes, rules, or any kind of disciplinary/performance-based review, it's important to look inward right now. Justice doesn't necessarily require that we suffer penalties...but it does require that we adjust our internal attitude. Justice asks us to learn something. Justice asks us to respect due process. Justice asks us to learn to be in harmony with cosmic law, truth, order, and wisdom. And with Jupiter in Libra moving backward, you might be in a time of review, or you might be called on to become an instrument of review for someone or something else. Calling on your guides and better angels, calling on the divine forces to evaluate you with grace, dignity, and compassion, and opening your heart to correction, goes a long way right now, and it invites mercy from all figures of judgment. Similarly, if you find yourself in a position of judgment over someone else, remember to consider who you would want judging you if you were in the opposite chair!

On March 4th, Venus will station and begin her retrograde in Aries in your seventh house of relationships. Add to this that Uranus, Mars, and Venus all begin the month in opposition to Jupiter in your first house, and it’s safe to say that this is a critical month for both personal and relational growth and change. As a Libra you tend to be diplomatic, balanced, and level-headed. Uranus, Mars, and Venus in Aries this month (especially Venus’ retrograde) are more direct, confrontational, and potentially divisive. But the truth is that you may need these qualities to help you change or confront something within yourself. Librans fail to grow when they value diplomacy at the cost of their authentic inner thoughts, feelings, and needs. Aries is a great counterpoint for you and this month may help goad you into necessary changes. On the other hand, your own balance and fairness may also hold someone accountable this month, someone who likely has less patience or tact.

Tying it all together, when it comes to fighting injustice, what kind of diplomacy and what kind of force are necessary' There is no solution that will likely satisfy your deepest need for beauty and peace, but you are also a wise enough judge to know that justice and the sword have an age-old relationship, one that you will be negotiating for yourself this month!