Scorpio Horoscope for March 2017

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of finding your path forward in innovative ways, Scorpio, while exercising your individual talents to the max in favor of societal evolution. Holding on to more established tracks has its appeal, and yet some aspect of that idea may be gradually yielding. You have an unusually strong configuration of planets, including Mars, your ruler, nudging you toward more completely defining your sense of personal mission. As you deal with surprises amidst day-to-day ordinary events, you also find unexpected enlightenment in so doing. All the while your self-expression is sizzling, along with your communicative outreach. Your sense of how to get your point across is continuing to evolve, finding strength in inner work equally as much as in outer. The bottom line is that you are tired of productivity for the sake of productivity and are searching for a means to convert your efforts into benefits for the social setting that surrounds you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Nothing draws a Scorpio out of hiding better than a watery, 5th house solar eclipse in Pisces! The 5th house was traditionally associated with games, recreation, taverns, performance, children, messengers, and ambassadors. With a solar eclipse opening a new door in this area of your birth chart, it’s likely that you are on the brink of a creative revival right now. If you have children your children may be starting an exciting new chapter, of you might even find that you’re opening yourself up to the possibility of pregnancy and children. All of this is good news for Scorpio since you sometimes tend to worry too much about emotional security. This is a good month to have a spontaneous dance party or to explore what it means to have deep, abiding, joy and creatively satisfying experiences. Listen to your cravings and honor them.

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Uranus are opposite one another in your 12th and 6th houses, and Venus will station on March 4th and be retrograde all month afterward in your 6th house. In traditional astrology, these houses were the joy of Saturn and Mars, and they were fraught with difficulties and peril. This month you may find that the difficulties surrounding you, happening in the world around you, are trying to steal your joy. Or you may find that the ongoing political turmoil and revolutionary dynamics in the world are tempting you to turn away from a creative project or from the fulfillment of your own desires and needs. In some strange way, perhaps you need chaos around you in order to move deeply into joy, spontaneity, creativity, and happiness. Sometimes when everything is calm and happy around a Scorpio their defense system goes into “full alert” mode because Scorpios are natural watch dogs. But then when the chaos rises and all hell breaks loose, Members of your sign are calm, happy, easy, and loose. Some people find this odd and they end up saying something like, “Scorpios make me feel uneasy.” Turning around this tendency of yours we get, “Turmoil puts me into a state of flow.” Think for example of an ER doctor who performs exceptionally well, with great ease and calmness, in constant states of emergency. Because this month begins with an eclipse in a house related to joy and creative flow, but then features a full month of intense planetary actions across the 12th/6th house Libra/Aries axis, it’s safe to say that you may find yourself thriving this month amidst the chaos.

Maybe the most important thing to be “on guard against,” is the self-destructive notion that you should be some other way than you are. If you catch yourself feeling guilty or scolding yourself, as though you shouldn’t be thriving and feeling happy or stimulated amidst the turmoil, just remember that each sign is made differently, is given different gifts and strengths, and your real strength is the fluid state you enter whenever stress is on the rise around you.