Capricorn Horoscope for March 2017

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You have a very intense month of March coming up for you, Capricorn, in the midst of a succession of such months. In particular, you are being challenged to stretch the boundaries of your beliefs and values, in response to new information. This month initiates an even steeper learning curve whereby you will more deeply explore both your own internal states, below the level of conscious control, and also question certain aspects of what you are doing with yourself out in the world. There could be a way that you have fallen out of alignment with what you most deeply aspire to, and if so, adjustment is required. You are at an important crossroads, and have the introspective cast of mind to begin to more closely examine your life and where it is truly headed. Only the path with heart will truly satisfy you now.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Dear sea-goat, did you know that one of your traditional names was called the “goat horned?” Literally, the phrase was something like the “Goat-horned enigma,” or “The goat-horned question mark.” A translator of ancient Greek astrological manuscripts, Robert Schmidt, discovered all of this in the 1990’s and has since translated Capricorn’s image in traditional texts as “the goat horned one.” It feels appropriate to start here, since for many years now Pluto has occupied your first house and has been host to a tremendous season of inner growth, depth, and transformation (dating back to early 2008!). It feels right to start here because this month begins with Venus, Uranus, and Mars all square to Pluto from the 4th house of home and family, with Jupiter in Libra also square to Pluto from the 10th house of career. Translation…it’s an incredibly big month for you! Tremendous revolutionary dynamics at home and in the work place are catalyzing Pluto in your first house and that’s transforming your life, inside and out. Since you may be an enigma even to yourself at times, this is also a month where you may stand to gain rare access into the recesses of your unconscious.

Nothing satisfies your sign, known as the feminine, wintry sign of Saturn, more than the combination of darkness, depth, and focus or gravity simultaneously. For similar reasons, the renaissance astrologer Ficino noted that those born under Saturn’s influence are often deeply creative but melancholic, as though suffering from pent up imagination. Well, this is a month when the power of your imagination, and whatever constraints are holding it back, will be opened up and on full display. Your ability to hold and embody the imaginative powers of what we are seeing in the surrounding society is profound right now because collective energies are flowing through your life in some of the most personal areas of the birth chart.

Changes in your home and family scene are happening swiftly, immediately, and perhaps even recklessly, while you may be simultaneously rising in the ranks at work, gaining the respect and admiration of people above you, and generally experiencing a season of growth professionally. And yet, as all of this is happening at once, your tendency might be to avoid looking inward. Your sign tend to be rather stoic. It’s not that they don’t have inner lives, it’s that they consider the inner life of the psyche to be a complex dungeon maze, filled with tempting treasures and snarling trap doors. Your sign tends to observe and watch the inner life with a quiet dignity and reservation, or sometimes cynicism. And yet, the kinds of changes happening right now may force you to confront your inner enigmas in yet another Plutonian moment. I can’t think of any sign more qualified right now to see what mysteries lie within.
When you take all of this alongside of the recent solar eclipse (Feb 26th) that occurred in your 3rd house of communication and writing, you may find that whatever inner work you’re doing this month, it’s destiny is to be communicated and shared with others.