A First Quarter Moon of Coming to Terms with Transformation

Posted on March 4, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Sunday’s First Quarter Moon takes place with the Moon in Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury, and with all the fuzzy logic implied by a triple conjunction between Sun, Mercury and Neptune. Wild thinking and the urge to sudden activity are also in evidence, as indicated by the close forming Uranus- Eris conjunction triggered by Jupiter across the Zodiac from them. This unpredictability is balanced by a strong presence of Saturn, representing a far more measured response, the conservative holding back from drastic response. This first quarter phase in any case symbolizes a working out of the impulse for action that was stimulated by the New Moon, which was the recent very powerful solar eclipse in Pisces. So what we have is a poignant evocation of the themes introduced one week ago, which are now having had their best chance to work themselves out, and to show themselves as viable.

The Uranian themes from the past New Moon eclipse are still very much with us, so that all is relatively unpredictable and unknown. We have the impulse to leap tall buildings and move mountains in pursuit of our most cherished dreams, and yet something seems to be holding us back from the full-on commitment to the untrodden path. Mercury with Neptune indicates that we could become confused, perhaps by having too many choices. From this standpoint, as well, the imaginative solution might seem to be the most attractive. Mars in partile trine with Saturn strongly advances a conservative element of staying stuck within an existing rut, rather than venture out into new territory. This is the opposite mode to the Uranian streak of independent thinking, and working outside the confines of any existing box. What we will want to do is to carefully evaluate what is truly driving us; is it the practical necessity of holding off from new dreams and schemes, or simple fear? If the latter we might want to decide where our actual best interest lies.

One thing of which we will definitely want to be as aware as possible is the potential within us now for long-term change to take place. Oftentimes we know intellectually the direction that we need to be heading, or the dysfunctional behavior that has been part of our repertoire for far too long, and is by this point more of a deficit than an asset. We know this in our heads and yet the habits of a lifetime are difficult to break. This month in general, and this potent juncture in particular, might be just the moment to recognize where necessary transformation is calling us, an opportunity to punch that ticket and take that significant ride. From the current astrology we know that the Uranus-Pluto square is fully activated. This could therefore be a decision point for taking the requisite action to greatly advance our continued psychological health.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are illustrative of these themes from a different point of view. They are, for the Sun, at the 16th degree of Pisces, “The flow of inspiration.” This is a near-perfect reflection of the strong Neptune plus augmented Jupiter-Uranus opposition that are such important factors in this month’s lunation cycle and in this quarter Moon configuration, granting us the ability to visualize new worlds for ourselves into being. Marc Edmund Jones refers to, “spiritual power … on which each person may draw in meeting any or all critical issues of everyday living.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Gemini, we find, “A woman suffragist haranguing,” an obvious symbol of following your own inner truth no matter what the cost. Jones declares, “this is a symbol of the soul’s demand for full participation in the responsibilities of human society [with] an unswerving determination to expand every potential of being.” Indeed, what these times, and the strong necessity now for social and individual transformation, are demanding of us is nothing less.