Taurus Horoscope for April 2017

Posted on March 31, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

Ready or not, you are connecting with your deep inner process, Taurus. You are being given many indications that spring from down inside you, and only some of these will be intelligible. You are the better for it when you can seize each opportunity to investigate your inner world by thinking and meditating. This would include dreams that seem to convey profound information, or passing thoughts and daydream visions that you could seek to explore more thoroughly, even the events of your life that could be seen to contain a deeper meaning when you look into them more closely. Modern rationalistic thought holds these things to be mere coincidence, but the truth is that everything that happens to you is full of meaning. You are headlong into your transition toward the mystical future that awaits you, and these are the clues that will help you to get there.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

This month the Universe is whispering secrets of the Great Mystery into your ear, dear Taurus, can you hear it' You are currently in the midst of a massive spiritual growth spurt, so that there is quite a lot happening underneath the surface of your awareness, as your psyche re-organizes itself in response. This monthly cycle began with a New Moon in Aries on March 27th, and in this configuration there are loads of wily, mixed energies, so your deep listening is required for the lessons and new growth to be successfully navigated and harvested. You may notice heightened synchronicity, and a greater sensitivity to unseen subtle energy, your dream states, or intuition. With this amplified sensitivity, you may be offered an invitation to see more deeply into yourself, and gain a better understanding of your subconscious mind, especially where you are holding fears that may be blocking you from attaining your goals, dreams, and truest sense of belonging. As you engage with any fear that might come up, and push your edges, you continue to grow and evolve, finding deeper ways to express and contribute your unique brilliance to the world.

With your ruling planet, Venus, on her retrograde journey until the 15th, you may be extra conscious of your relationships, your values, or, most notedly, your sense of self-worth. This might be especially so as the station of Venus in the middle of the month draws near.

You could be gaining access to places within your psyche that you cannot usually feel quite so clearly, and these places may be holding some old fears of other painful places that are in need of healing and tending. You might therefore wish to be in gentle conversation with these parts of yourself, asking with kindness and curiosity about their emotions, needs, or beliefs. Some of the common themes that could arise for you with this Venus Retrograde period are feelings of not being lovable, not deserving to have what you want, or the like. The key is, even when it’s painful, to continue showing every part of yourself unconditional loving kindness and positive regard. This retrograde period is ultimately about encountering and being present with your shadow, and learning to more fully love yourself. As you go through this process, you are deeply transforming when you allow yourself to change. You might feel somewhat constricted in the realms of intimacy. Setting healthy boundAries and taking space when you need to might be most helpful, here. Somewhat paradoxically, creating more structure and containment for yourself as you connect with others is actually the key to feeling more free and liberated.
The Libra Full Moon of April 10th invites you to find emotional spaciousness and expansion, even in the face of anger, pain, or emotional upheaval. This may require extra doses of self-care and slowing down to clean up the emotional muck that could possibly be stirred up. You could feel like you are bumping up against all kinds of obstacles and barriers. When you find ways to nourish the places that feel reactive and angry, you make progress with your deeper issues.

Mercury is also beginning its retrograde journey on the 9th, and stations in the early degrees of your sign, before traveling backward once again into Aries. This could be an opportunity to integrate all the very etheric and dreamy happenings of the previous two weeks into your rational conscious mind. This is also a time that is very inward, so it helps when you can be slow and gentle with yourself. Reflect deeply, and it is a good idea to write and journal your dreams and emotions. You could also feel confused and disillusioned at times, but take heart. The insights and moments of clarity will drift in and out, but the truest potential lies in your faith and trust that throughout it all you are being carried and supported by forces greater than yourself. Trust your inner knowing and all will be well. There are infinite possibilities for you right now, just waiting in the wings for your awareness to transform, becoming the channel to manifest your wildest dreams.