Aquarius Horoscope for April 2017

Posted on March 31, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are coming to important realizations this month, Aquarius, with also some potential pitfalls along your way to greater growth and understanding. You are also reexamining family dynamics, either current or family of origin, and you might be making a symbolic move in that direction by relocating your dwelling space or considering a remodel. This is a confusing time, and it is difficult to know where to find the ground beneath your feet. You are continuing to focus on your deepest and most sincere beliefs. Progress there will be your mainstay, and defend you against the many forms of deceit that are so prevalent in this age of spin. You are learning what you have in the interior of your mind and heart, beneath the surface layers, and this includes getting a better handle on where and how to put your energy forward in order to match with what you are discovering on the inside.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

You are learning and transforming in great in leaps and bounds this month. Cosmic downloads are plentiful for you, and you are soaring into a more expansive view of life, the universe and everything. April’s astrology begins with the New Moon in Aries of March 27th, just a few days prior to the start of the month. This lunation indicates that you may be learning to value and utilize your intellect in a way that is more connected to your heart center, and that you could be reevaluating your communication styles, as well as your relational ways. Powerful forces from beneath the surface of your awareness are shaping and transforming your experience, and you are continuing to grow into areas of greater spirituality. Your ruling planet, Uranus, is highlighted all month, and your mind is actively inspired, albeit slightly unpredictable! In spite of the inward turning, reflective energy that is the hallmark of this month, you could simultaneously be feeling incredibly communicative about your experience. You benefit greatly from recording your current thoughts and musings in written form, or in conversation with your peers. It will also be important for you this month to clearly identify your goals, and pursue them in a disciplined and orderly manner. The amazingly brilliant ideas that are spilling forth from you could be difficult to harness, unless you write them down and take methodical action that gets you moving in a very practical way in the direction of your highest ideals and visions. Falling short in personal responsibility for your process could result in dull outcomes that lack the sparkle of your initial vision and inspiration. You may find inspiration for increased self-discipline by staying aligned and in touch with how much you care about bettering humanity. It might help you, if you can keep this idea close to your heart when your path feels blocked or you feel challenges arise.

Venus retrograde continues until April 15th, and interestingly overlaps with the retrograde of Mercury that begins the 9th. Venus invites you to choose your thoughts from a place of self-love, and may also be about prioritizing what is truly valuable to you in terms of where you invest your mental energy. Your mental constructs can actually precede and influence material substance, and this month could show you the power of your thoughts as they ripple into manifest form, for better or worse! Mercury in connection with Saturn also brings your awareness to the importance of personal responsibility and good boundAries for your communication style. It may be wise to begin finding new ways of bringing loving awareness to your financial realms. In Western cultural conditioning, finances and emotions seem to occupy separate domains, but every realm of human experience can thrive and become enlivened where your loving kindness is placed, and this is true for your relationship with money as much as anything. After the 9th, when Mercury is moving backward, you might want to focus on tying up loose ends, continuing or finishing existing projects, or on remembering to take time to meditate or relax. This is generally not considered a good time to start a brand new project, sign a new contract, or begin a new business relationship.

The Libra Full Moon of the 10th is a difficult configuration, and may bring your attention to challenging material around buried pain and wounding in terms of finance or your self-worth. This is not only as it relates specifically to money. There could be unexpected events or circumstances that shake up your orientation to things, but take heart that any adversity is ultimately in the interest of illuminating your soul’s highest learning and good. You are being asked to shine as a beacon of authenticity, speaking and standing for Truth in the best way you know how. All of these themes are tied together, and the opportunity for you lies in surrendering to the flow of life, trusting that it is pointing you in the direction of your most brilliant expression in and contribution to humanity. Even if this looks or feels like something different to you now, there is big medicine in what life is bringing to you at this important juncture. May you transmute necessity into invention, and potential chaos into grace, as you listen deeply to your own inner workings and continue to grow and shine in your unique, multifaceted genius.