A Full Moon of Radical Change, and Resistance to Change

Posted on April 9, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The Full Moon of Monday, April 10th late evening (west coast) is a very powerful one, with the Sun conjunct Uranus, and with the Sun and Moon forming a T-square to Pluto. This potent configuration reminds us that the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square, being fully activated in the timing of this exciting Libra Full Moon, is far from over in its effects during this pivotal decade. In addition to the main event, as described above, we find Mars and Jupiter aligned with this basic T-square configuration, while retrograde Venus, stopped almost dead-still in the sky for the next ten days or more, conjuncts Chiron in Pisces and squares a nearly stationary Saturn. As revealed in this astrology, the times could not get much more intense. With the radical transformation indicated by highlighted Uranus-Pluto, and also conservative Saturn emphasized, this setup is also a strong reminder of the volatile mid-1960’s when we saw both the impulse for major societal change, and also the conservative backlash in resistance to change. We see that playing out on the national stage here in the United States, and in our own individual lives as well, so that we are, each of us, a microcosm of the larger cultural moment.

As these very intense astrological formations show us that radical change is happening at all levels of our society, you might want to be asking yourself: how does Uranus-Pluto manifest in your own life? Where is the place that you recognize deep inside yourself must irrevocably alter, and yet where you fear to change? With such strong Pluto in our current skies, the question about necessary transformation, meaning that some part of yourself must be left behind, is not if but when. True freedom, it is said, lies is discerning the direction that your life is taking and voluntarily moving in that way. The noted channeled Source called Abraham had a good point when she (or they) remarked: “If you have a problem, and you ignore it, don’t worry, it’ll get worse.” Your goal now might best be stated as to cut to the chaise and ease your suffering, by tuning in to where it is that your deep intuition is telling you that you need to go, and heading that way.

In this it is important to recognize also in this Full Moon configuration the powerful presence of the new planet, Eris, a feminine warrior energy in support of soul intention. Her energy is totally prominent now, highlighted by this Full Moon, in which the Sun is conjunct her position by less than two degrees, with also Mars in partile aspect to their midpoint. This configuration represents a powerful urge to make within your life the revolutionary changes that you have long desired to make, in the direction of your own deepest intention for yourself in this lifetime.

With retrograde Venus in close square with stationary Saturn, turning direct on the 15th to therefore remain in this tight square for the entire remainder of the month of April, this is also a vitally important time to get serious about your values. Venus is in close conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, for this same period, indicating that things do not come easily now, nor without painful revelations. Our relationships are likely to go through difficulties, and also through a resultant process of committed bonding. Surmounting obstacles builds character, and this applies to us in terms of our relationships just as much as it does to us each, individually.

The Sabian symbols for this Full Moon support the intensity of this configuration. For the Sun in the 22nd degree of Aries, we find, “The gate to the garden of desire.” This reminds us that a better world is only, as Paul Simon has it, “a motion away,” and that we can get what we want, as long as we want it badly enough. Marc Edmund Jones remarks upon, “man’s uncompromising faith in the fact of his being,” and goes on to say, “self-fulfillment [is] the realization that there are always unlimited days ahead and that immeasurable frontiers are yet to be crossed.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Libra we have, “A child giving birds a drink at a fountain.” This is a good reminder that life can be at the most fundamental level, quite simple, when you nourish the natural life within you. Jones references “the simple fact of selfhood,” and a “creative concern for others.” Indeed we operate at our best when we come to see our lives as linked to not only the profound and continual self-unfolding that gives it its very energy, but also to the linkages that we make to all the creatures that surround us, large and small, in this life, and on this achingly beautiful planet that we all inhabit.