Libra Horoscope for May 2017

Posted on April 30, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another intense month for you, Libra, with a distinct relationship focus and a dreamy commitment to your evolving mission statement as you are beginning to more fully understand it. Partners are changeable, informative, and encouraging, and you are riding that wave into a very different future than you originally contemplated. The Mercury station of May 3rd leads you to direct insight and even revelation regarding the impact of partnership on your life. This entire month represents a period of astonishing events and surprising enlightenment and yet this might be one of the peak moments. You find that you are quite serious about making your learning curve work for you and allowing imaginative vision to rock your outer world presentation and goals. As the month unfolds, and the information you are accumulating in massive bursts continues to sink in, you find yourself transforming in the deep inner layers of your psyche more even than on the outside.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.

This month the stormy astrological skies continue to rumble and quake, as the wild dynamics play out for you in a complex and multifaceted dance. The current month’s energies are foretold by the New Moon in Taurus just a few days prior to the start of May. The Sun and New Moon’s shared placement at this time signals a new opening in your realm of intimacy, and this likely comes as a welcome addition of greater stability to the current circumstances in your partnership, or attitudes held about relationship. Perhaps it seems as though everything is getting shaken up in this department. Because your sign represents an inherently relational archetype, when that department is highlighted it may feel extra intense and pervasive in your experience. The placement of Uranus and the retrograde journey of Mercury (stationing direct on May 3rd) both suggest that this month is about continuing the conversation from April around relationship, as well as reflecting upon what events and processes occurred from the March 27th New Moon to the April 26th New Moon. Perhaps you have been having amazing insights around how to bring more of your authentic self to relationship, as well as taking on more personal responsibility and ownership of your part of difficult dynamics. It could also be that there have been some unexpected challenges and ruptures in your connections asking you to reflect upon how you hold boundaries and navigate needs for closeness and space. Your ruling planet, Venus, also plays a large role for you this month, and she is just emerging from a retrograde journey and gaining forward momentum again. Perhaps you’ve been coming face to face with ways that you have historically lacked self-worth, and are in the process of learning how to love yourself more fully. This month represents an optimal time to integrate any new understandings around your values, particularly how you value yourself and others in the context of relationship.

The Scorpio Full Moon of May 10th brings with it a large and in-charge Pluto influence, asking you to go even further into the depth of your inner world, in the spirit of transformation and ultimately owning your power more fully. Perhaps the content arising here is in terms of family of origin – excavating and peeling back the layers of the proverbial onion to explore and discover what formative experiences most shaped who you are today, and distinguishing what has enriched and empowered, and what needs to be transmuted and brought into alignment with your own values, rather than those of your parents or family. There could be an igniting of your motivation and willpower in the quest for coming to feel more trusting of and supported by the Universe. A key phrase you may find helpful to carry with you this month is “active surrender.” As you move through your life, you may wish to experiment or be in curiosity about how willing (or not) your are to relinquish your feelings of fear or needing to control to trust in a higher power or Universal wisdom. It requires tremendous courage to take action from a place of faith, but in doing so, you may be delightfully surprised to learn something new about your true self and essential nature. The universe is asking you to step more fully into your inherent divinity and brilliance, and it is up to you how you will respond.