A Last Quarter Moon of Personal Power and Universal Kinship

Posted on May 4, 2017 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The Last Quarter Moon phase represents the time of the lunar cycle when there is an opportunity for re-orientation, renegotiation, or finding new truth in light of what has come to pass since the New Moon. It is the time when the light reflected by the Moon is diminishing and waning into darkness. This cycle’s New Moon in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio brought heightened themes of desire, value, resources, and power. You may wish to ask yourself what is and isn’t working for you in regard to how you value and embody your personal authority, and perhaps also how you see or experience power dynamics playing out in the world at large.

This particular lunation brings our attention to the themes of valuing self and relational exploration, and there may a new leaf turning for you, there. Venus in Aries is in opposition to Jupiter Libra, so that events arising now could bring further awareness to ways of navigating relationships with the interests and needs of all parties in mind. The recent Venus retrograde from March 4th to April 15th was like a relational rite of passage, and you may wish to revisit the lessons that arose around self-worth and self-love for you during that time. How you are implementing and integrating that new awareness?

There is also continued activation of Uranus in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius. Collectively we are all being asked to wake up to parts of ourselves and our world that have lain dormant in the rigidified societal structures that are outworn and no longer serving the common good. The question becomes one of developing new structures and systems, both personally and collectively, that are malleable and fluid enough to keep current with the rapid rate at which the world is evolving. The Last Quarter Moon is activating the Lunar Node axis, as well, which just moved into Aquarius and Leo. The Moon is conjoining the South Node in Aquarius, suggesting that we point our awareness toward the universal kinship of humanity, and that we might do well to unite, rather than divide through labels, class, race, “haves” and “have nots.” Can we begin to honor ourselves and others as the radiant divine beings that we are?

With Eris continuing in close conjunction to Uranus, we also have her elements of soul purpose and Feminine Warrior energy for truth coming to the fore, beckoning each of us to rise into our true calling, inviting forth each being’s unique brilliance as a contribution to the whole, and an expression of the Divine. It is our personal responsibility in these intense and trying times to step fully into our power and purpose, keeping in mind the highest good of all. The Universe is shaking us all to awaken to our true nature as individuals who are somehow also inherently interconnected spiritual beings: many drops of water in one big ocean of consciousness.

The Sabian symbols for the Sun and Moon might provide further illumination. For the Moon at the 29th degree of Aquarius we have the beautiful symbol of “Butterfly emerging from chrysalis.” This speaks of course to the massive transformation in which we are, all of us, currently engaged. Astrologically we have had a very intense beginning of 2017 with so much Uranus as well as overlapping Venus and Mercury Retrogrades. As Mercury has nearly recovered from its “shadow period,” we are indeed emerging from the dark inward time of sojourn in the self-reflective chrysalis. For the Sun at the same degree of Taurus (28º - plus) we have “Two cobblers working at a table,” representing “the cooperative wisdom by which men make the world their own.” This reflects the current very great need for humanity to unite and collaborate, putting aside difficult polarities, while yet simultaneously honing and fostering each individual’s unique capacity and brilliance.