Aries Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on November 1, 2012 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a season of getting down to the real nitty-gritty, Aries. You have been making connections with your own deep center all this past year, and by means of these intuitional leaps continuing to evolve greatly, both with sudden moves and through the slow attrition of discarded and rejected behavior. Now with the advent of the fall and the fading of the sunlight you find yourself voyaging even further into the dark unknown. The monsters there are scary but in time you will befriend them, using your mental powers, rather than to reject their most fearsome characteristics, to adjust your thoughts. Something inside you is urging you to take an important stand, and it is for yourself and no one else that you must advocate. This one's for you.

As the month begins, you are still transforming apace and in many ways continuing the process that began months ago for you and that has a lot to do with the powerful presence of Uranus in your identity sector. Pluto, in square with Uranus, resides in your sector of outer achievement. Even though realistic worldly pursuits keep on renewing themselves in much the same manner as always, getting things done in a very business-as-usual way just isn't in the stars for you right now. You are in the body but not entirely of the body, preferring spiritual sustenance over any other kind.

Additionally, Saturn in Scorpio, a water sign, is strongly aspecting Neptune and Chiron in another, so that your emotions are in something of a wringer. You are perhaps struggling to identify where you are caught and where free to explore your hidden depths that also lead you outward into greater and more intimate connection with others around you.

These conundrums are not new for you in this year of powerful change, but they have taken on an even more mystical aspect lately due to this collision between Saturn and Neptune that has recently been blooming. This now in the present month is compounded by the influence of Chiron, stationing in the early degrees of Pisces and in conjunction with Neptune. This could perhaps be summarized as conflicts between the otherworldly idealism of what could be possible, versus the hard-nosed brass tacks actuality that must also be dealt with. In the most optimistic assessment you can somehow forge a workable amalgam between these somewhat – although not entirely – antithetical positions. This configuration chimes precisely with the entrance of your ruler Mars in recent weeks into your sector of higher mind, meaning that as the inner wound of your own separation from the divine is coming to the fore, you are bringing that experience forward into new perspectives that open up to still greater novelties of possibility.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the advent of the Mercury Retrograde period on Tuesday, November 6th, a day that coincides with the Last Quarter Moon, you are driven even further to the inside, a move that is becoming more and more appropriate as a method to discover the answers that you most truly seek. Your inner and your outer worlds are in an unusually strong state of collusion in this important month of further change, as epiphanies continue to flow regarding where you might actually be heading in your life right now. If there is ultimately a way to combine your head and your heart and your ideals with a strong sense of practical achievement, you will find it only in this way.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse taking place a week later, on Tuesday, November 13th, in your sector of personal evolution, represents a spur to further action, if you can consider it action when the playing field is almost entirely within your psyche. You are still very much engaged in the public pursuits that represent achievement in the eyes of the world, but all during the month, and more so in this mid-month period, you are approaching this area with an entirely different attitude. This takes inner emotions more firmly into account as a weather vane for your actual motivation and intention. As much as you might resist, a mystical point of view is almost inescapable.

With the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, the week of the American Thanksgiving Day holiday, you are likely to find tensions rising as some unforeseen wrinkles appear in the midst of planning 'both in the mundane sense regarding arrangements and personal interactions, and with regard to your own internal and perhaps largely unconscious agenda for positive changes at core level. You are forced to take a more realistic approach but this can lead you into a more resilient place that works better for you in the long run.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Wednesday, November 28th, takes place in your communications sector and represents an important learning experience. This is in some ways a culmination of everything that has come before, as you sort through your ultimate soul intention and as well those issues that represent internal obstacles that stand in the way of your actually getting there. These are powerful times of change for you and everyone you know, although it could take some work to see the beauty inherent in the patterning of your life that has led you to this place of greater understanding. You could yet find it to be worth the effort each time you suddenly get that glimpse of future rewards.