Aries Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on February 28, 2022 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an entirely transformational month for you, Aries, due to the placement of your ruler, Mars, in the March 2nd New Moon. There is a tide in our affairs, says Shakespeare, and if this is yours you will want to take advantage of it to grow in your understanding of yourself and what you are fundamentally about. Your relationships are emphasized now as well, both in their own right, and as a mirror for you to study as you undertake this current phase of your ongoing spiritual evolution. Your self-concept will become even more a significant focus with the entrance of the Sun into your sign in the Aries Equinox of March 20th. Meanwhile, as a prelude to that timing, your inner world has much to contribute to your intuitive understanding of yourself and your role in this world. Everything, especially your interior workings and potentially its inner wounding also, is grist for your mill as you continue to transform in the way you see the true nature of your public statement, and in seeking greater authenticity in all that you do.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The astrology of March begins on March 2nd with a powerful New Moon in Pisces in the part of your chart that relates to the unseen and the unconscious. Jupiter conjunct the New Moon calls for trusting the current developments happening in your life while connecting to your inner wisdom for guidance. Deep down you could feel a sense of knowing that may be hard to put into words. You may be able to connect to your intuition more vividly this month, and these profound insights may come through things that are invisible to the naked eye. Mars, Venus, and Pluto are also at the New Moon joined together in the sign of Capricorn which brings a tremendous energy to the part of your chart that relates to your career and your place in the world. You may feel an almost compulsive drive to succeed at this time. Power struggles may come up, especially if you’ve felt frustrated. Otherwise, this influence may bring just the right amount of passion to help you reach an important milestone.

At the beginning of march as well, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius which may bring some limits to what you feel compelled to share with others. You could feel alienated by a certain group of people or this aspect could bring up such ideas. Fortunately, you have this month the resilience needed to get through almost anything! Things might conspire so that your inner senses guide you where you need to be.

Mars and Venus together enter Aquarius late-evening of the 5th where, in their ongoing conjunction, they may bring opportunities for you to connect with like-minded folks in the coming weeks. Belonging to a certain community could demonstratable have its perks or you may be driven to look for people who share similar values to your own. There could also be much socializing happening in the first half of March. However, you also may find yourself needing some time alone to recharge your batteries.

On the 9th, Mercury enters Pisces and this could bring an introspective or impressionistic influence. You may actively seek to disengage from your responsibilities at this time to turn towards more contemplative practices. The Sun meets Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and 14th, could bring especially vivid dreams and information via strange means. Tuning in could allow you more time to process the emotional or spiritual insights that could be coming your way at this time. You might also feel highly receptive and driven to purposely disengage from negative information and to focus your attention on things that make you feel more grounded. Mid-March could bring important insights that help you understand what you truly want at this time but you may have to do some soul-searching.

The Full Moon culminates in the sign of Virgo on the 18th and you may be preoccupied with your health and habits for a few days surrounding the this timing. You may become aware of stress that has been building up in the recent weeks and it may be a good time to address physical and emotional tension. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo and therefore the ruler of this Full Moon, is currently transiting in Pisces and may point to unconscious or deeply buried anxieties that may still have a significant impact on your well-being. Attending to your physical well-being might help release some of the stress you might be experiencing at this time. There may be important financial or professional changes currently happening in your life. Finding greater emotional and physical flexibility could help you move through this process with grace.

The Sun enters your sign of Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The next month could bring a renewed sense of direction and vitality as the increasing solar light illuminates your sign. Mars and Venus are still transiting in Aquarius in the latter part of the month and come into a square with Uranus in Taurus. Networking could bring unexpected opportunities. Keep an open mind about what’s possible and trust your intuition.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter on the 21st — and Neptune on the 23rd – may increase your sense of faith and your ability to anticipate things that haven’t occurred yet. Staying positive could make a world of difference.

Mercury enters Aries on the 27th which may start to bring traction and clarity in the following weeks, especially if you’ve felt disconnected from your surroundings. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius at the end of the month may test your resolve and commitment to a dream. You may be looking for social acceptance and connection. While these opportunities can be available, you may also have to be selective with your loyalties. There is a serious and sober influence permeating the end of March but also much progress might yet be made in regards to your aspirations.