Venus enters Sagittarius: Joy in the Journey

Venus enters Sagittarius: Joy in the Journey

Today earthy and beautiful Venus steps into the expansive and adventurously fiery realms of Sagittarius. Venus, associated with partnership and careful beauty, as well as artistic expression, is not entirely comfortable in this impulsive and fun-loving sign, although not exactly opposed either to the joyful energy that this Jupiter-ruled sign represents. Venus...

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Neptune Stations Direct: Integrating Dreamtime

Neptune Stations Direct: Integrating Dreamtime

Neptune has been in retrograde motion through the waters of his own sign, Pisces, since June 9th of this year, and late today, November 15th, or early tomorrow morning further east of the PST time zone, he stations to direct motion. Even though Neptune is not aspected by other planets, this late night Neptune station, of standing dead still in the sky in his...

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Set Sail and Follow the Sun

Set Sail and Follow the Sun

Over the course of today and tomorrow we all have several exact aspects forming. Venus and Saturn in the deep waters of Scorpio become conjunct at the 26th degree - emphasized because the Sun is also traveling through Scorpionic intensities at this time of year. Mars in Capricorn - still just a degree and a half away from his recent conjunction with Pluto - is...

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Mercury trine Neptune: A Wild Imagination

Mercury trine Neptune: A Wild Imagination

Today we find little Mercury, the planet of communication, swooping into an exact trine with Neptune in Pisces, symbolizing otherworldly imagination, faith and inspiration. Today your thoughts may be especially active, and your mind tuned to fantasy. There is an excitement and freshness in your mental energy now, especially with Mercury just escaped from its...

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Mars Conjunct Pluto: A Call to Inner Warriors

Mars Conjunct Pluto: A Call to Inner Warriors

We are greeted this new week with a potent astrological configuration, as the warrior Mars orbits into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn; this means that they are at the same exact zodiacal degree. Pluto moves very slowly through the zodiac because his orbit is very long, while Mars moves more quickly, so the energy that has been building over the past week or...

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