Venus Square Jupiter: Lean In to Love & Vulnerability

Venus Square Jupiter: Lean In to Love & Vulnerability

Today Venus in Scorpio hits an exact square aspect with Jupiter in Leo. This is considered to be a generally auspicious astrological configuration. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, and Jupiter is inclined toward optimism, expansion and adventure. With the two of these in close aspect, you may come to experience the very best of relationship connection with...

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Mercury into Scorpio: A Clear and Deep Pool

Mercury into Scorpio: A Clear and Deep Pool

Today, Mercury slides into Scorpio, and will travel through this watery sign until November 27th, then entering Sagittarius. Mercury is the quick moving planet governing mental construct, intellect and communication. When he dives into the deep and mystical realm of Scorpio, especially this weekend, in these first few degrees, so too do our thoughts and attention...

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The Depths of Scorpio: A Beam of Light Appears

The Depths of Scorpio: A Beam of Light Appears

This is a truly mystical time of the year with Halloween approaching. And today we have another exact hit of the mysterious and subtle energy of Neptune - now with the Scorpio Sun in trine. Later tonight the Moon will also be coming into an exact conjunction with Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, so that we have the chance to peer into deeper layers of our emotions and...

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Venus Trine Neptune: Practical Magic

Venus Trine Neptune: Practical Magic

This week is getting a start with an interesting configuration: Venus, which remains in close conjunction to the Sun in Scorpio, is hitting an exact trine with Neptune in Pisces, and fierce Mars, having just entered the grounded realms of Capricorn yesterday. is close to hitting the midpoint between them. On top of this, Mercury has re-emerged from his...

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Mercury Stations Direct: Rejoice!

Mercury Stations Direct: Rejoice!

Mercury is officially out of retrograde as of this weekend, having reached the final degree of its backward journey, the seventeenth of Libra, at about noon PDT on Saturday. Mercury leaves this degree by late Sunday afternoon, heading for its re-entry into Scorpio, to take place on November 8th. By that time the symptoms of the retrograde are likely to be almost...

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