Aquarius Horoscope for April 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is astrologically speaking a very active month for you, Aquarius. For one thing, Saturn has just recently entered your sign, associated with your first solar sector of identity and self-concept. This implies that, to a certain extent, you feel the need to fall back on yourself in a time of relative trial, which all of us are currently experiencing. Then, too, the recent Aries New Moon conjuncted Chiron in your third house of curiosity, communication, and learning, in exact aspect to Uranus, your ruler. You may be responding to issues of interior wounding that come to your conscious attention, or discussing these with others. Most significantly of all, perhaps, is a powerful presence of Jupiter and Pluto in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, encouraging you to meditatively dwell upon what goes on beneath the surface layers of your psyche. If you can begin to get a better handle on where hidden complexes might trip you up, your labor in assiduously pursuing this will have been time well spent.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

April arrives with Saturn and Mars conjoined in Aquarius. This could be both a positive and a negative thing depending on how you decide to handle it. Saturn represents time and limitations while Mars represents forward action. When Saturn and Mars conjunct each other, your progress is slowed down. It can feel like driving a car with the brakes on. You could be impatient to go play outside but Saturn is asking you to do your homework. This can be a time of accomplishment if you put your heart into it. Sustained effort is possible now if you can make abstraction of minor irritants. You might be feeling like a stranger in a strange land but you will grow accustomed to this new landscape.

Venus enters your fellow Air sign of Gemini on April 3rd where she will be transiting until August. This is due to her upcoming retrograde in early May, which will signal a time of getting further into the underlying motivation for your artistic self-expression. Venus in Gemini will bring a nice supportive influence to the part of your chart that deals with your creative projects and your real or metaphorical children. There could be a silver lining contained within a current roadblock.

Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces for one last time, affecting the inherent idealism of your principles or your resource management, or perhaps revealing where you might be losing money. Your financial situation will get clarified in the next few weeks once Mercury moves out of Pisces.

The Full Moon takes place on April 7th in the sign of Libra, highlighting education, philosophy and mind-expanding ventures. A process relating to your ideas culminates around the Full Moon and is ready to be integrated in your overall worldview. Venus in Gemini rules over the Full Moon making this one particularly chatty. Conversations with friends and colleagues could feel inspiring and trigger new concepts for you to explore. Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the day of the Full Moon which means there could be some unforeseen factors or surprises. For you, Aquarius, this aspect could play out on your home front in relation to your base of operations or your family. Mars square Uranus is a dynamic aspect that can show up as a desire to break free from restrictive circumstances. Compromising might not be in the cards. Make sure you have a productive outlet or plenty of space to release your stress. Handled mindfully, this could be a creative time when you come up with solutions for longstanding problems.

Mercury enters the sign of Aries on the evening of April 10th increasing communications of all kinds. You could find yourself busy answering more emails and phone calls than usual. Mercury in Aries could also bring up a written project or increase short trip journeys around your community. Either way you look at it, mid-month promises to be a busy time for you. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on April 14th could be a time of delving down into your unconscious process, or maybe your cue to take a breather and recharge your batteries.

The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 19th, carrying tension that could feel difficult to reconcile. Personal needs might have to be put on the back burner as you deal with your responsibilities and an increasing workload. Your private life will be on your mind, so that you might have to find a way to make everything work together.

The New Moon in Taurus takes place on April 22nd, carrying a wind of change behind closed doors. The New Moon in Taurus takes place at the base of your chart which is connected to your roots, and what you call home. You could find yourself reframing what this means for you as your priorities change. This particular New Moon carries potent seeds for innovations that you want to implement over the next six months. Venus in Gemini trines Mars in Aquarius on the same day, which offers support to your current ideas. With any creative venture, you have to be willing to take a gamble. By keeping an open mind, you might be able to see new opportunities as they present themselves, while having the important ability to let go of what no longer serves.

Mercury enters the sign of Taurus on April 27th bringing all the attention to your domestic life. Reserve the last week of April for family matters, renovations, spring-cleaning, and anything else happening in your private life. The First Quarter Moon in Leo taking place on the 30th will bring up your partnerships and find you readjusting your stance between your needs and the needs of your loved ones.

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