Aquarius Horoscope for May 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild month, Aquarius, when a basic focus toward inner matters, operating at the very core of your being, might also feel at times like instability. This could be worrying, perhaps, and yet is also ultimately creative. Through the fluctuations of the rather intense astrological currents swirling around you these difficult days, you are becoming more familiar with all that you carry inside yourself, in the deeper layers of your psyche. This is where surface mentality and simple logic break down; a vast mystery-box that you are increasingly becoming more familiar with and the seasons roll. Your inner eye is taking in a dependency on home and family over these first three weeks of May, including family of origin issues that could arise, and these eventually lead to a better sense of your own self-expression. Your beliefs, and the principles that drive you, are in transition, so that articulating precisely where you stand has become an urgent priority, and one key to solving the riddle of your existence.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The focus at the beginning of May is on your home, and your family. A wind of change is blowing here whether you are moving or doing renovations. Mercury conjoined with Uranus in Taurus at the beginning of the month has a thoughtful and an innovative edge. You might be contemplating ways in which to become more self-reliant with a small garden or renewable energies. With the current turn of events, homesteading is becoming an appealing option. It could simply be that you find yourself busy at home, discovering ways you can be more efficient. Autonomy will be an ongoing theme with Uranus transiting in your home and family sector for the next six years.

Saturn has newly ingressed into Aquarius, which means that the impact of the quarantine has been felt on a deeper level for you. Saturn symbolizes the limits, structures and boundaries of our world. While everyone has felt the consequence of the lockdown, Saturn’s entry into your sign could have come with increased responsibilities and limitations for you. These themes might have been a major part of your experience in the last month, and a sobering glimpse at the themes Saturn will bring in your life over the next two years. This might sound scary but it’s not as bad, or as heavy, as it seems. Every good astrologer is secretly in love with Saturn, and for good reason. Saturn transits carry teachings around limits but also mastery. Saturn likes to say no but the stern teachings of Saturn bring us closer to our personal sense of authority. By forcing us to assume responsibilities and burdens, we learn to refine our goals and our sense of self. Saturn is also the traditional ruler of Aquarius, which means your current predicaments should yield substantial results down the road. However, it doesn’t mean it’s always easy, when you get thrown into Saturn's tumbler.

Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces from the very beginning of May, and all the way through due to Venus’ retrograde. This aspect could bring confusion with a creative project, a romantic scenario, or your children. It could be a situation where ill-defined boundaries have a draining effect. There could be a self-sacrificing component that needs to be addressed especially if you are putting too many hours with very little return for your efforts. Venus currently in Gemini will have an inspiring influence on your creative pursuits but the square from Neptune in Pisces means it could drain your finances very quickly. Venus squaring Neptune is an aspect that colors the whole month of May and will occur again briefly at the end of July. It’s a good idea to keep a realistic approach, especially when it comes to your creative endeavors or a romantic scenario. Therefore don’t spread yourself too thin, and be selective with your investments.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7th highlights your career or vocational path. This is a time of recognition or the culmination of a process in connection with your work. You might be called to step into the limelight or accept more responsibilities. All your attention could be drawn to personal matters and your home life right now but this Full Moon also calls to attention your vocational goals.

Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius late evening on May 10th, just as Mercury enters Gemini the next day. A significant change of pace will be felt mid-month as Mercury — at home in the sign of Gemini — lends its support in your creative sector. Saturn stationing retrograde means it will eventually exit your sign at the beginning of July giving you a breather before officially re-entering Aquarius in December. The pressure will be off by then, for a while anyway. You could find some things are getting back to ‘’normal’’ as real solutions start to emerge. Restrictive circumstances might start to be lifted which in turn could give you a bigger sense of what is possible.

Venus stations retrograde in Gemini late evening of May 12th while Mars enters Pisces the next day. Jupiter in Capricorn stations retrograde on May 14th for a total of three planets now moving backward. You will experience a considerable shift midway through the month with the Last Quarter Moon, in your sign, taking place on May 14th. The need to reconcile different areas of your life could be felt, with transformational import, but the pressure will start to lift as the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th. 

The New Moon in Gemini takes place on May 22nd just as Mercury and Venus also in Gemini conjoin each other and mutually square Neptune in your resources sector. A busy lunar cycle begins with much of your focus going on creative and financial pursuits. There could be confusion or misunderstanding involving your finances, and your relationship to the material, or else just a decided concentration of attention on how this area of your life works out for you. Venus moving retrograde in Gemini until the end of June could find you changing your mind a few times or revising a situation, especially with regard to creative projects or home and family. Your focal point for the next lunar cycle will be on your children, either real or else metaphorically speaking, in terms of your creativity. 


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