Aquarius Horoscope for June 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for June 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting and intense month for you, Aquarius, full of transformational intent. What is implied is a better understanding of the very depths of your psyche, motivating your behavior from below, as it were, and having more to do with the evolutionary process in which you are engaged than you would normally believe. The ongoing focus on your home base, dwelling, family of origin, and current familial arrangements included, has come to something of a head this month, requiring an introspective attitude to sort things out. You are attracted to the idea of stability in the midst of change, while simultaneously recognizing that your available resources do not support this concept, tending toward a more wide-open and even expressly spiritual position. Your self-expression is tied up in your emerging worldview, and your learning is based on your inner gaze, as supported by the retrogrades of personal planets. The solstice eclipse and New Moon of June 20th is powerful, and leads you on, toward embracing your higher purpose.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

With Gemini season in full swing you are currently asking yourself a lot of important questions. One of the questions that keeps coming up concerns what you love to do, and what you are going to do about it. Pleasure, creativity, romance, and even children have been on your mind. Saturn in Aquarius will bring a lot of lucidity and pragmatism to manage your goals. You are envisioning ways you can start integrating your creative talents into worthwhile structures that will sustain you in the long term. You are thinking about your future and how you want your future to look. Saturn transiting in your sign for the next two years will endow you with ambition and the practical cool to achieve whatever you set your mind on. The North Node of the Moon coming into Gemini will magnify your desires to pursue personal projects connected to your creative expression. Sovereignty over your ideas will become more and more important, and you very well might feel less concern about what the rest of the world thinks of it. Venus retrograde conjoins the Sun on June 3rd and this clarifies your ideas around these matters. Mars in Pisces adds the push you need to formulate a plan that can help you prosper.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius taking place on June 5th is the first eclipse on the Sagittarius-Gemini axis since the Nodes of the Moon have changed signs. The light of the Moon shines on your place in the world, the people you associate with, and more extensively your community. Your goals are changing and so is your social sphere. The eclipse taking place here will, for the next two years, bring change in connection with who and what you identify with. You might feel the urge to branch out and explore personal projects. Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn rules the Sagittarius lunar eclipse from your soul sector. You could feel quieter and more private than usual. You have had a need for reflective space to process things and gain clarity. Solitude is helping you do that. This lunar eclipse in Sagittarius might take you out of your comfort zone and will highlight what matters most to you allowing you to discard the things that do not.

If you are going to favor your creative pursuits, the whole financial aspect of a business may need to be addressed. The Sun squares Mars and then Neptune in Pisces during the second week of June, which leads to the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces on the late evening of June 12th. Questions around financial expenditure, children, and where your attention is invested come to the forefront. You might be forced to rethink your budget, especially if wishful thinking colors your outlook on finances. Tension could come up between your desire to do what you love and how much money you actually need to make. You are forced to fine-tune your ideas with your budget. Is it worth it or will you have to rethink your logistics?

Mercury station retrograde in Cancer on the late evening of June 17th, until July 12th, and it's the perfect time to fine tune your routine. Your focus is on organizing your everyday life for the next three weeks. If you work from home, Mercury Retrograde could be your cue to think about your schedule, what you actually need to accomplish, and clever ways to make it flow. You have to contend with a destabilizing element on your home front and find ways to work around it. There are non-traditional approaches that might work out in connection with your current conundrums. It’s also an excellent time to address your habits and start thinking about implementing better ones while Mercury moves retrograde in Cancer.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on June 20th, signalling the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. A few hours later a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters Cancer and meets with the Sun. This annular solar eclipse is the last one in Cancer from a series that began in July 2018. This eclipse sits at the zero degree point of Cancer, indication your habitual day-to-day patterns, workplace flow, or health regimens. A cycle comes to a close, and a new one begins in relation with your health and your workplace. In the last two years, you have had the opportunities to realize how much your mind and body connection matters. You have come to understand that your headspace influences dramatically affect your physical well being, and vice versa, and you are now equipped to make better and healthier choices for yourself.

On the late evening of June 24th, Venus stations direct, and a few days later, on the evening of June 27th, Mars enters Aries where it will be for the next six months. Venus in Gemini turning direct brings momentum for all the ideas that were gestating in the last two months. Mars’s ingress into the sign of Aries will energize your communication sector. If you are working online, Mars in Aries will help you stay focused, clear, and efficient.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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