Aquarius Horoscope for July 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for July 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month when you are gathering information, Aquarius, preparing for your next move into relatively unknown mental and emotional territory. The retrograde of Mercury through your communication sector implies an introspective curiosity about where you are going, and to what end, and wins out over more normative activities. Your everyday world is suffused with higher meaning, and you have a dramatic urge to get to the bottom of these mystical stirrings. This is also related to your co-ruler, Saturn, retrograding backward out of your sign, another indication of inner voyages that you are this month engaged in. This is all about shifting self-identity and self-definition, along the lines of a larger conception of life purpose. You may be struggling to define your core beliefs, and if so, this activity should be encouraged. It is only when you know without doubt your true bottom line, what you and only you most sincerely believe, that you can begin to act upon this knowledge in a truly authentic way.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A powerful solar eclipse and New Moon in Cancer, ten days before the month began, is still affecting you for the first three weeks of July. This was located in your sector of day-to-day activities, your workplace, and your health, so that as the current month begins to unfold, these subjects are definitely up for you. You are making something of a fresh start in these areas, and you could find the mundane details of your life suffused with a sense of numinousity and meaning.

On July 1st, your co-ruler, Saturn, retrogrades back into Capricorn and out of your sign, although it will return there in December. For now, you can get back to the massive house cleaning that has been occurring over the last two years in connection with your unconscious process. What motivates you on a deeper level has become clearer. Issues around authority could come up that are still being worked through. You might not have a choice, except to face some ugly truths about yourself, and attempt to really understand them. Your role as a teacher or a mentor is still being clarified and you might spend a lot of time redefining your direction, your goals, and more especially what underlines your ambitions.

The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 4th is related to this process and the gradual liberation of inherent, albeit invisible, concepts deep within your psyche that could be stifling to your growth unless more fully resolved and integrated. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer squares Mars in Aries on July 8th. This is a brief but difficult aspect, and it could signal a wrench thrown in your plans, especially if you have to collaborate with others. Mars newly ingressed into the sign of Aries will bring a ton of energy to your written and spoken communications over the next six months, due to the upcoming retrograde of Mars in September. This aspect could however deliver a few verbal conundrums during the second week of July, and it occurs again at the end of the month once Mercury moves to direct or forward motion. If you have difficult negotiations in the works, you should plan on choosing your words wisely. Forceful or tense communications are possible as everyone tries to navigate the new realities of the world.

Tension continues to build up as Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on July 11th and the Last Quarter Moon takes place in Aries on July 12th, while Mercury stations direct in Cancer on the same day. The days leading up to and including Mercury stationing direct, through the 15th, could be riddled with logistical issues so give yourself ample room to deal with unforeseen circumstances.

A second New Moon in Cancer occurs this season on July 20th in direct opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. An opportunity is available to you now, to get serious about your health habits. Reset your stance when it comes to scheduling time for yourself. The pace of things will start to increase over the next few months, thanks to Mars in Aries. This New Moon in Cancer is your cue to get your routine in order, and to clarify your intentions, so that you can be in optimal shape to tackle your goals through what could amount to a fairly dicey time.

On July 22nd the Sun enters the sign of Leo, your opposite sign, initiating the Leo season of the year, in fixed fire. For the next thirty days, your attention will gradually shift from dealing with your health, and logistics, to thinking more about your relationships. The mood will also lighten considerably in the second half of July. Anytime after the 22nd is a great time to take a few days off if you have the opportunity to do so.

The Moon in Libra on July 25th and 26th emphasizes the square between Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. You will feel inspired to think about your creative projects and where you want to take them. There is an expansive atmosphere surrounding the last weekend of the month that gives you permission to dream big. If you are an artist or a creator, this aspect is great for projects that are not too rigid. The square between Venus and Neptune tends to diffuse and confuse. It signals a romantic and poetic few days that are excellent for free-flowing improvisation, although not great for having to think analytically. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and this creates a desire to transcend the mundane with longings that are hard to identify and even harder to satisfy.

The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on July 27th is all about your vocational sector, continuing on the themes of ambitions, goals, and what you want to accomplish during the second half of the year. At this point you might need to rely on the support of a partner or a friend to get things done.

Mercury in Cancer squares Mars in Aries once more on July 27th, bringing up residual tension that first came up around the second week of July. There is greater chance for resolution at this end of the month timing, although dialoguing or finding the middle ground could still prove arduous. Be patient with difficult topics of conversations; it is easy to get your back up under this aspect. Mercury opposite Jupiter on July 30th should help you gain some perspective, bringing new solutions to something you have been trying to resolve all month.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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