Aquarius Horoscope for August 2020

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2020

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another period of extreme transformational change for you, Aquarius, although much of what is going on is less than obvious, having taken place within the vast domain of your unconscious, and continuing in this same vein for the current month. The area of your psyche that exists below the level of consciousness is a vast storehouse, and is now becoming more intelligible to you, especially if you have been paying attention. You are also focused on your home scene, including family issues, ancient and more modern. You are also becoming more fully aware of your innermost values, and the increasing necessity that you articulate these, as a preliminary for more directly acting upon them. As you become more aware of the deep-seated changes that you are in the midst of, partnership with others in your life is a huge factor for you also, peaking in the timing of the Full Moon in your sign of Monday, August 3rd. This too serves as further grist for your mill of substantive change.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

August begins in the wake of the Cancer New Moon that has been active the last ten days of the previous month, and for you highlights your conscious awareness of your inner world and also your sense of mission in this outer one, as well as for your own personal well being. In the last two years, you have gained a lot of wisdom in connection with your body and your health. You have come to understand the power and influence of your thoughts. Much insight has been found through moments of solitude and contemplation. Learning what your body needs, and what optimal health means, has come with its fair share of trials. Managing your anxieties, and learning to take better care of yourself has perhaps become something you can no longer ignore. You now are in a better place to comprehend the idea that pleasure, and rest, are essential. You’ve come to understand that periods of relaxation actually boost your productivity. After several months of adjustments to your routine, you are determined to keep showing up for yourself.

The Full Moon on August 3rd takes place in your sign, and brings a culmination in regards to your needs and desires. A period of integration is taking place. You may also find yourself having to compromise with family members or within a partnership as this Full Moon shines her light on you. This could feel somewhat polarizing as you try to navigate your many obligations. Uranus in Taurus squares the Sun and Moon, symbolizing a degree of restlessness with your partnerships, as well as new directions that could potentially come up in your home situation. It is best to trust your instincts right now if you feel like you or someone around you needs space. Collaborations could feel strained or like they require too much effort. Changing your perspective could help clarify a situation. Mercury in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn on the same day perhaps rendering conversation tedious.

On August 4th Mercury enters Leo supporting positive dialogues. Issues that seemed complicated just a few days ago will have the opportunity to get aired, especially towards the 9th when Mercury trines Chiron in Aries. The communication planet, Mercury, then squares Uranus in Taurus on the 10th in the lead-up to the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on the11th. Tension can be resolved, and compromises are possible, but you have to be willing to break away from how things have been done up to now. You may have to contend with an unpredictable element in connection with your home or have difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with someone. There could also be a lot of back and forth dialogues or negotiations going on. Mars in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn on the 12th and 13th indicate that power struggles or domineering attitudes could be possible. Be mindful of manipulative tactics coming from you – or from someone else. Whatever the point of contention is, Uranus stationing retrograde mid-month may exacerbate things, or indicate a change of direction, especially in family matters.

Negotiations efforts in your partnerships might pay off on the 17th, when Mercury unites with the Sun in Leo offering much needed clarity. Mercury in the heart of the Sun is supported by a trine from Mars conjunct the new planet, Eris, in Aries. Reconciling the mind and the heart is recommended, and might be a lot easier now. It's a good time to be straightforward about how you feel.

The New Moon in Leo on the 18th offers a potent reset in your partnerships. The more honest you are at this time with a partner the easier this next lunar cycle will be. You may feel like things are threatening to come to an extreme slowdown as well, because Mars in Aries, supported by Eris, squares Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect affects the last two weeks of the month, and does not come to its perfection until the 24th. Patience is required to navigate this aspect indicating delays, and frustrations. Progress could feel slower than usual. It’s best to assess the terrain patiently and strategize on your next move instead of trying to push for things to move faster. As things slow down, and you become that much more thoughtful, you are enjoined to go for your deepest values in everything that you want to articulate, and to eventually manifest.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 19th, and the Sun follows suit on the 22nd officiating the beginning of the Virgo season. The Sun transiting in Virgo over the next thirty days will gradually emphasize the intimate links that binds you to others. Financial agreements and contracts may also come up in the next month.

It may be hard to gage which direction things are heading at the very end of the month. The last few days of August offers some softening influences; maybe there is time to stop and smell the roses. You may do better if you can surrender the desire to control the outcome, and take some extra time to contemplate your choices. Pleasure will be found in the little details of your everyday life. Appreciate the moment. It is by being present with what is currently happening in your life that solutions will begin to emerge.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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